Programme SAP RFINDEX_NACC - FI Consistency Check

Consistency check of index tables against document table BSEG

The report can check the consistency of the index tables (BSIS, BSAS,BSID, BSAD, BSIK and BSAK ) with the line items in table BSEG.

The report consists of two parts that can be activated by twoindicators. If there are a high number of errors, do not set thebuttons 'Detailed log' and 'Extra detailed log', since otherwise, theerror '...new_page_alloc_failed' can occur (list is too long).
Output control:
Radiobutton 'Summary only':
Only a summary of the errors that arose is output.
Radiobutton 'Detailed log':
In addition to a summary, for each defiective index, the account andthe key fields of the line items and the errors are output.
Radiobutton 'Extra detailed log':
In addition to a detailed log, for each defective index, selected indexand BSEG fields are output provided the index or line item exists.
Part (1)
Indicator 'Documents versus Indexes' is set:
Effect: Search for missing index entries
How is the check carried out:
For each BSEG line, the program searches for the corresponding index.If an index entry is missing, it can be created in repair mode('Recreate index' indicator set). If only one of the index key fieldsdoes not agree with the corresponding BSEG fields, no existing index isfound. (For example, assignment number only for one BSEG entry and notchanged in the index). If you run the program with the above options,the second index (correct) would be created, but the incorrect indexwould not be deleted. To delete incorrect indexes (that is, indexesthat are inconsistent to the corresponding BSEG entry), see part (2).
Comment on option 'Documents versus Indexes':
Carry out this option in repair mode if you are sure that index entriesare really missing and have to be recreated.
Example: The following situation arises after a SAPF190 run:
In the SAPF070 part (reconciliation documents-master), no differencesbetween documents and transaction figures are found for an account.
In the SAPF190 part (reconciliation indexes-master) of the accountconcerned, the amounts of the indexes in debit or credit are smallerthan the transaction figures.
Reason: Index entries are missing for BSEG entries. These entries canbe recreated in repair mode.
Part (2)
Indicator 'Indexes versus documents' is set.
Effect: Entries in the index tables are checked against entries intable BSEG (does an index have a consistent BSEG entry?).
How is the check carried out?
All key fields of the index must agree with the corresponding BSEGentries. Important non-key fields are also checked. If a checkcondition is not fulfilled, the index can be repaired in repair mode(indicator 'Recreate index' is set). The incorrect index is deleted anda new index is created. If the program finds an index with no BSEGentry, the index can only be deleted if the indicator 'Delete indexwithout BSEG' is set. If an index exists in the database but has noBSEG entry, any document header can be deleted if the indicator 'Deleteheader without BSEG' is set.
Note: These last two indicators ('Delete index without BSEG' and'Delete header without BSEG') must only be reset after consultationwith SAP.

1592904FI consistency check in advance of migration to NewGL