Programme SAP RFIDVE20 - Sales Ledger (Venezuela)

This report creates a list of invoice documents. For each document, thelist shows:

  • The total for every vendor

  • The total tax assigned to each VAT code

  • It also shows the totals for each company code and document type.
    If you do not want the report to total documents of a particular type,fill out the Do not total document type field.
    If you do not want the report to total documents that were posted witha particular transaction, for example, VF11, fill out the Do nottotal transaction field.
    The exchange rate type determines how foreign currencies are translatedinto your local currency. The default exchange rate type is G. Thetypes are stored in the TCURV table.
    To display the sales information, select Display salesinformation.

    To access a document in the list, position the cursor on it and chooseAccounting document.

934526Logical database BRM: Error reading the BSET table