Programme SAP RFIDTRBOE2 - Reversal of Bill of Exchange Transactions

You use this function to reverse all the bill of exchange or checktransactions, with the exception of bounced bills of exchange that youhave cleared from the system.
SAP supports the reversal of bills of exchange and postdated checks forthe following countries; however, the use of thisprogram varies according to the country for which it is used.

See also
For more information about the standard reversal of bills of exchangeand postdated checks, see SAP Library under Financial Accounting(FI) -> Bank Accounting (FI-BL) -> Bills of Exchange Management->Special G/L Transactions: Bills of Exchange -> Check/Bill of ExchangeProcedure -> Check/Bill of Exchange in Accounts Receivable->Reversing th
e Bill Liability of a Check/Bill of Exchange in Accounts Receivable.

782897Turkey: Program adjustments for currency change
805578RFIDTRBOE1/2: Reversal of documents with new currency TRY
328798 Release Upgrade: turkish Add-On Solution for checks