Programme SAP RFIDPTFO -

The report lists vendor, customer and VAT transactions for Portugal toclaim VAT refunds (according Despacho Normativo nº 53/2005).
The report selects customer, vendor and VAT transactions according tothe selected VAT-code. In order to consider the correct period (eithermonthly or quarterly), you have to make the correct selection of thedocument date interval in dynamic selections.
The output of the report consists of the following lists:

  • Vendor Report

  • This report lists all vendors with whom the company has hadtransactions. To select the correct values corresponding to fields 20,21, 22, 23, 24 of section 6 Periodic VAT Declaration), indicatethe VAT code of the relevant vendor transaction in the corresponding VATgroup versions.
    • Customer Report

    • This report lists all customers with whom the company has had operations. To select the correct values corresponding to field 8 of section 6Periodic VAT Declaration), indicate the VAT codes of the relevantcustomer transactions in the corresponding VAT group versions.
      • Correction VAT Report (Regularizações)

      • This report lists all VAT correction operations that lead to tax refund.To select the correct values corresponding to field 40 of section 6Periodic VAT Declaration), indicate the VAT codes relevantcustomer transactions in the corresponding VAT group versions.
        You can restrict the selected items further by using minimum amounts.According to the law:
        • In the Vendor Report and Customer Report, you may exclude vendors with
        • whom you had operations smaller than EUR 5000 during the selectedperiod. However, total exclusions may not exceed the limit of 5% of thetotal of each report . The report displays the sum of the excludedamounts against the relevant lines of these reports.
          • In the Correction VAT report, you may exclude documents with a base
          • amount below EUR 1.000. However, total exclusions may not exceed thelimit of 5% of the total of this report. The excluded amounts are shownsummed up in one line.

            Special rules for document selection

            • Customer, Vendor, Correction VAT tab pages

            • You can select the required Customer, Vendor or VAT Correctionparameters within their respective tab pages.
              • Vendor with fiscal address

              • If a vendor refers to another vendor in the field fiscaladdress, then the items of both vendors are added up and listed underthe name and tax number of the referred vendor.
                • Bank charges

                • If you mark the option Select account for bank charges, theprogram also selects payment documents if the documents contain postingsto the selected bank charges account. In this case, the amounts arelisted under the name and tax number of the house bank that is assignedto the G/L bank account. Ensure that you have assigned a house bank IDto each G/L bank account and that the tax number is maintained for thehouse bank.
                  If you mark in addition the indicator All items of these accounts, the system lists all postings made on the selected G/L accounts nomatter if they were made using the special bank charges functionality orif they were posted manually.
                  • Ref Document: Header, Ref Document: XBLNR, Others

                  • Customer Report
                    In Column 2 - ID of the Exportation Declaration, you must declarethe Export Declaration number regarding export operations withcustomers in non-EU countries.
                    This information may be obtained from one of the options given theselection screen: Document Header Text field, ReferenceNumber field or an option indicated in the Other field. If youchoose the option, None the report will not consider any optionand will not fill this column.
                    Vendor Report
                    In Column 3 - Customs Document Number, you must declare theCustoms Document of the VAT clearing for import operations withvendors in non-EU countries.
                    This information may be obtained from one of the options given in theselection screen: Document Header Text field, ReferenceNumber field or an option indicated in the Other field. If youchoose the option None the report does not consider any optionand will not fill this column.

                    You must assign the tax belonging to a certain tax code and transactionkey to an internal group (using transaction OBCH).
                    IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

                    The output of the report consists of different lists:

                    • Customer Report

                    • This list includes all customers to whom the company has delivered orservices in the selected period. These goods and services are VAT exemptbut allowed for tax deduction. They refer to operations summarized inField 8 of the Periodic VAT Declaration
                      • Vendor Report

                      • This report segments the list according to the respective fields of theVAT Declaration. Within each segment, in case of National or EuropeanUnion vendors the report sums up and sorts the information by Fiscal ID,issuing month and year. In the case of imports (foreign vendors inothercountries), the report sums up the information and sorts them bythe number of the Impresso de Liquidação (IL) of the CustomsDocument that originated the tax deduction.
                        • Correction VAT Report

                        • This is a list that includes all operations that led to VAT correctionsin favor of the taxpayer and all business partners with whom thesetransactions were carried out. These are the operations that wereincluded in Field 40 of the periodic VAT Declaration.
                          &NOTE& The report generates Customer Report, VendorReport and Correction VAT Reports as appendix to thePeriodic VAT Declaration file based on your selection parameters.To include this file in the Periodic VAT Declaration File, youmust first run Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases: Portugal
                          report (RFUVPT00) and specify that the report create the file here.

1103653RFIDPTFO - VAT Correction do not consider Debit/credit signs
982869RFUVPT00 : Integration with EC Sales list (RFASLD20)
949002 VAT Refund for Portugal
984395RFIDPTFO:The VAT ID is displayed wrongly for non EU Vendor
981039Income VAT refund error in apendix for greek vendors
971767RFIDPTFO : Some corrections
976394RFIDPTFO : file cannot be created in background processing
971376RFIDPTFO - Not grouping lines of same business partner
971556RFIDPTFO - Parameter texts and Report texts