Programme SAP RFIDNLWKA2 - Document Flow Of Purchase Order Line Items

Displays a list of data and values referring to the chain liabilityprocesses, allowing the user to trace completely the detailed flow ofthe payments related to the chain liability functionality (including thecases when the payment is posted directly to the so-called lockedaccount or it is divided between the different social security and taxoffice authorities).
Moreover, the report checks the partial payments and the incominginvoices.
As a special feature, it displays the start and end date of the chainliability working periods, the description of the work, the constructionsite, the working time hours, and the percentage of wages of the chainliability process.

You can select a range of purchase document number, and you can entertwo different tax codes and types, referring respectively to tax officeand social security.

The result of the selection is displayed in a hierarchical ALV list.