Programme SAP RFIDKRTCIB - Tax Invoice Between Business Places: Open Item Clearing

This report creates a tax invoice for goods movements between twobusiness places. This document is required by Korean tax law if yourbusiness has not applied for aggregation of payment and is thus obligedto post the VAT for goods movements from one business place to another.
This report is similar to RFIDKRTC. The differenceis that this report clears open items in G/L accounts.
To print the tax invoices, use RFIDKRTPIB.

To create a tax invoice for a goods movement, you first have to createa G/L account, to which you post the input tax from the one businessplace and the output tax from the other. Make sure that for bothpostings, you enter the business place from the other posting inreference field 1 of the clearing account item.
The clearing account has to be managed on an open item basis.
On the selection screen, you must enter the chart of accounts, thecompany code, and - if you only want a certain number of documents -the FI document numbers.
You must also specify which posting keys you want to use to clear thedocuments.

This report compiles an ABAP List Viewer list of all the open items forthe G/L accounts you selected. Select both of the documents that werecreated for the goods movement.
To clear these items on this G/L account, save the list. This creates aclearing item whose value is 0.
Note that you can only clear any two documents at a time. The documentsmust come from different business places, and the business place fromthe one must be entered in the reference field of the other.
The clearing item's document number is sent to the print program andthe tax invoice is printed.

You want to create a tax invoice for a goods movement between businessplaces 0001 and 0002:
Post the VAT to the clearing account manually.
G/L accounts:
Input tax Clearing account Output tax
13020300 10009999 20080100
______________ ________________ ______________
| 1000 1000 | 1000 1000 |
| | |
Run report RFIDKRTCIB and select the items that are to be cleared.
The system creates two documents in clearing account 10009999:
,,,,Document no.,,Amount,,VAT code,,Business place
Clear the items.
The system creates a clearing document:
Document no.,,Item,,Amount
The document number is then sent to the print program.