Programme SAP RFIDITSR12 - Foreign Trade Declaration (Austria)

You use this report to prepare balance-of-payment reporting in Austria.The report provides an output list and, if specified, it generates thecorresponding DME files in XML format.
As of January 1, 2006, companies that have receivables and payablesabroad and that provide or procure services and transactions abroad mustreport their foreign tradetransactions directly to the relevant authority. This report enablescompanies (non-banks) to report on the following items:

  • Other Investments

  • You submit this to the Austrian Central Bank (ÖsterreichischeNationalbank, OeNB). If specified, the report generates DME files inXML format, which you can upload to the OeNB website.
    • Services and Transfers

    • You submit this to the Austrian Statistics Office (Statistik Austria
      ). The report supports the quarterly matrix solution and it generatesthe electronic file.

      Make the following settings as required, in Customizing forFinancial Accounting (New), under General Ledger Accounting(New) > Periodic Processing > Report > ForeignTrade Regulations > Austria >

      • Define Reporting Categories

      • Define Reporting Subcategories

      • Define Criteria for Assigning Documents to
      • Reporting Category/Subcategory
        • Assign Reporting Categories to DMEE Format
        • Trees
          • Enter OeNB Number for Foreign-Affiliated
          • Companies
            • Assign G/L Accounts to Country

            • To include contact-person information in the declaration, you need tomake the following settings:
              Enter a 2-character clerk ID in the activityDefine Accounting Clerks and assign theappropriate user. User data, such as telephone number or e-mail address,is retrieved from the user master record.
              Enter the above clerk ID into your company-code parameters in theactivity Enter Global Parameters; selectyour company code, then choose Additional Data, and enter theclerk ID into the Contact Person field.
              To include your company's OeNB number, enter it in theglobal parameters; choose AdditionalData, and enter the OeNB number in the FTRD: Company Code IDNumber field.
              Note that you can check your Customizing settings by running reportRFIDITSR02.

              Enter the selection criteria as follows; for details on how the reportworks, see the section below:

              • Enter the company code for which you are submitting the foreign trade
              • declaration.
                • General selection criteria: Here you can select documents by a number of
                • general parameters. When reporting other investments, selectOther Investments and enter a posting-date range. When reportingservices and transfers, select Services and Transfers andenter a reporting quarter.
                  • Additional selection criteria: Here you can select documents by specific
                  • G/L accounts, customers, or vendors.
                    • List layout: To define a list layout, first run the report online, and
                    • specify and save the layout. If you later run the report in thebackground (or online), you can specify the list layout you have alreadydefined.
                      • File creation: If you set the Create File indicator, the report
                      • generates the XML files required for submitting to the relevantauthority. The system automatically creates the file names in accordancewith Austrian requirements. You can store the generated XML files onyour PC, by setting the Save on PC indicator and entering thetarget drive and subdirectory. Otherwise, the system stores the files onthe application server; it stores the files to the default applicationserver directory unless you specify a path in the Application ServerPath field. For more details, see the Output section below.
                        • Contact person: Here you can specify that a different accounting clerk
                        • is to be entered as the contact person in the declaration other than theone you have maintained for the company code (see the Prerequisites section above).

                          How the Report Works
                          Other Investments
                          You are required to report closing balances for receivables and payablesin the reporting categories S1, S2, S3, S4 and SA, SB, SC, SD, asdefined by OeNB. These include invoices, credit memos, down payments,and G/L account postings. Special postings for debt waiver, debt relief,and write-offs of irrecoverable debts and unpayable liabilities are tobe reported with different value types, as describedhere.
                          If your receivables and/or payables exceed the threshold of EUR 3million, then you must also report interest received and paid in thereporting categories S5 and S6 (the report does not check for thresholdvalues; you must check this when you run the report). In this case, onthe report selection screen, you select the corresponding foreigncustomers, vendors, and G/L accounts to be reported, both thosebelonging to your group (your foreign-affiliated companies) and regularcustomers, vendors, and G/L accounts (those not belonging to yourgroup). The system then assigns the selected document line items to thereporting category and subcategory based on your settings in theactivity, Define Criteria for AssigningDocuments to Report Category/Subcategory. The report output displaysthe following:

                          • For accounts managed on an open-item basis, it displays the determined
                          • end balance per currency
                            • For G/L accounts

                            • Balance sheet accounts with balance in local currency = X, it displaysclosing balance only in local currency
                              Balance sheet accounts without balance in local currency, it displaysclosing balance in each available currency
                              Balance sheet accounts in foreign currency, it displays closing balancein this foreign currency
                              P&L accounts (only relevant for interest), it displays periodbalance in each available currency
                              For accounts managed on an open-item basis, the system determines thebalance based on the line items, and for this reason you can branch tothe line items. For the G/L accounts (without open-item management), thesystem determines the closing balance based on the transaction figures,and therefore no line items are possible.
                              The system reads the country, which needs to be reported, from thecustomer/vendor master record, or in the case of G/L accounts from theactivity, Assign G/L Accounts to Country.For reporting categories S3, S4, SC, and SD, the OeNB number of theforeign-affiliated company must be reported instead of the country; thesystem reads this from the settings you have made in the activity, Enter OeNB Number for Foreign-AffiliatedCompanies.
                              Services and Transfers
                              According to Statistik Austria, you report invoices and, if they do notdistort materiality, also credit memos. Regarding the invoices, thismainly deals with reporting revenues and expenses. First, the systemselects the invoices (and possibly credit memos); this means that on theselection screen, you need to select the relevant document type andforeign customers and vendors (for example, by means of thereconciliation accounts). Next, the system adds the related G/L accountpostings to the customer/vendor line items it has selected. These G/Laccount lines are required so that the system can assign these expenseand revenue account postings to the appropriate reporting subcategory,based on the settings you have made in the activity,Define Criteria for Assigning Documents toReport Category/Subcategory. If the G/L account is a GR/IR clearingaccount, the system determines the expense account from the purchaseorder, and for this reason the GR/IR clearing account does not need tobe entered in the above Customizing activity. Lastly, the system readsthe country, which needs to be included in the reporting, from thecustomer/vendor master record.
                              You are required to report export and import values in local currency,with equivalent values in euro. The plus/minus sign of the accountbalance determines whether exports or imports are being reported.
                              You are required to submit this report if industry-dependent thresholdvalues have been exceeded, as defined in section 2.2 of the OeNB'sreporting regulation ZABIL 1/2005. The report does not check anythreshold values; you must compare the report values against thethreshold relevant for your company.

                              The data is displayed in an output list and, if specified, written to afile; it is not saved to the database.
                              When you run the report online, you must choose Back from theoutput list for the files to be downloaded to either your PC or theapplication server. When you run the report in background, the reportautomatically saves the files to the application server. From theapplication server, you can download the file using the
                              Payment Medium International - Load Data MediumExchange File to Disk (RFASLDPC) program (enter ** (Generic DMEFormat) as the file type).
                              Note that a function module is available that enables acustomer-specific distribution and assignment of line items, accounts,and so forth - for both the Other Investments and Servicesand Transfers parts of the report. For reporting categories SA, SB,SC, and SD, OeNB requires a differentiation between short-term andlong-term receivables and payables from trade credits. Long-term refersto a due date of more than one year. In most cases, the due dates arenot so spread out, but to be able to differentiate on this point, thedue date for net payment is also output in the customer and vendor lineitems. By filling this function module, you can change the reportingsubcategory to long-term or short-term as required. For moreinformation, see SAP Note 962636.