Programme SAP RFIDEUVP - Create Acquisition Tax Accruals

1533216Documentation Updates - Tax Date
912466Warning sysntax error in RFIDEUVP
1038448VAT due date: Country specific Reporting + Migration Tool
1270621Field Cntry. base may not be maintained
1264280VAT procedure Slovenia effective since 1.1.2009
810389Acquisition Tax Accruals: Corrections for some scenarios
820504ATA: dates selection, down payment, non GR/IR based Invoice
887158RFIDEUVP and RFIDEUVR stops with error message SG 105
853399Acquisition Tax Accruals - Unicode Systems (4.7 and ERP2004)
825361ATA: Rounding tax amount to nearest 10 heller in Slovakia
839746ATA - RFIDEUVP and RFIDEUVR Various errors
789853Acquisition Tax Accruals
854447Acquisition Tax Accruals: Legal Change in Hungary 2005