Programme SAP RFIDATEB00 - Creation of an MT940 file with data from the V3 return data carrier

Report RFIDATEB00 imports a file in Swift Format MT940 and one or morefiles with format V3 (message type DEBMUL and CREMUL).
The detailed provision of payment information within the MT940 file wasnot possible in the case of most Austrian banks. Such detailedinformation is only made available on return data carriers (in V3format).
The bank statement (MT940 file) contains collective postinginformation, whereas the V3 files supply the related detailinformation. All files imported are converted into a file with formatMT940, which now contains all the detail information (structured fieldtype 86) and which can be imported by the SAP standard programRFEBKA00.
The files which are to be imported can be available on the applicationserver or the presentation server. The resulting MT940 file can also besaved on either the application server or the presentation server.
You are recommended first to run the program without transferring thenewly created MT940 file to report RFEBKA00. You should only carry outthis step having checked the log list displayed at the end of theprogram run.
If the amounts in the V3 file are not delivered in the account currencythen the total amount of the collective item (balance) must be listedafter the identifier OCMT in field 61 in the form OCMT/XXX1000.00/,where XXX is the corresponding currency and 1000.00 the correspondingamount.
As as result, it is possible first to compare the total amount in theMT940 file with the total amount of the collective item in the V3 file.Once the comparison has been successfully carried out, the individualamounts within the collective item are translated into the accountcurrency that is delivered in the MT940 file. If this leads to roundingdifferences an additional line for field type 61 is created, so thatthe resulting MT940 file can be processed by report RFEBKA00(electronic bank statement) - this report carries out an amount check.You can recognize this line in field type 61 in that it displays thetext 'rounding difference line' in the related field 81 that issimilarly restructured.
In addition, the bank number and the account number should be identicalin both the MT940 and V3 files which belong to a common collective itemand are linked to each other using the item control number. If this isnot the case, the report issues a warning but the resulting MT940 fileis still created.


The file in Swift MT940 format to be imported can have either astructured or unstructured field type 86. In both cases the itemcontrol number must be specified in field 61 after the type of postingso as to uniquely identify it. The type of posting is preceded by theletter 'N'. The item control number is immediately followed by thecharacter string '//' to distinguish this from the next subfield.
The subfield of field 61 which follows after the type of posting mustnot contain an item control number, as this field is always intendedfor including a customer reference. To ensure that only item controlnumbers are checked, you have to find the type of posting as a furthercriterium on the selection screen of the report. The type of postingconsists of three letters; as already stated, these are always precededwith the letter 'N'. For collective items the bank should choose aseparate type of posting.
Within a V3 file the item control number has to be entered on level Bin the RFF segment with identifier 'ACK'.

513563RFIDATEB00: enhancement of note to payee
137842Automatic account statement Austria