In this case, the exchange rate has changed to your benefit, and in thelocal currency you receive more than the original invoice amount. Bylaw you must calculate this gain and pay any tax due, which yougenerally collect from your customer. In this case, you report a loss due to the change in exchange rate. When you create debit memos for your customers, the system creates thecorresponding open items. This report clears these open items, based onyour posting parameters. Prerequisites Features Selection Document type Posting keys for debit and credit memos Enter posting keys for the customer account and G/L account. Theresulting memo will include one customer line and any number of G/Llines, based on the number of tax codes involved. G/L account that the exchange rate difference gain or loss is to beposted to Differences can be cleared against the same G/L account, or posted to adifferent one. Whether the resulting tax amount is to be included on debit memos You can simulate the results by setting the Posting |