If any such periods exist, the report corrects them. Features The report identifies all condition records for which at least one otherrecord exists with the same valid-from date in the same condition. Themultiple records are transferred to an internal table. For each condition, the report keeps the entry that has the latestrelease date for all validity periods with the same valid-from date.(The release dates are also set if no release is defined; the releasedates are then the same as the creation/change date). The report identifies all condition records of each condition that haveoverlapping validity periods and transfers them to an internal table. (Validity periods overlap if a period has a valid-to date that is afterthe valid-from date of another period for the same condition.) If another period starts during the validity period of a record, thenthe valid-to date of the record is set to the calendar day before thevalid-from date of the other period. If the simulation indicator is set, then no updates are made, rather alog of the incorrect records is issued that distinguishes betweenrecords with the same valid-from date and records with overlappingvalidity periods. Selection Output |