Programme SAP RFICO_CORR_FILL_INTMETHOD - Insert Incorrect Interest Calculation Method

Previously, you did not have to enter an interest calculation method(ICM) for interest conditions if the calculation base for the conditiontype was '0005'.
This is no longer possible; interest conditions require an ICM unlessthey are markup or zero conditions.
The report inserts an ICM for interest conditions that require an ICMbut do not have one.

The report checks the tables FICOT_CONDI_BUFF (for buffered standardconditions) and FICOT_CONDI (first for unbuffered standard conditions,then for individual conditions).
For the records found, the system determines the correct interestcalculation method for each condition. The system then checks thecondition that belongs to the incorrect component. If releasedcomponents exist with an ICM, then they are selected by the system. Ifnone exist, then the ICM of the unreleased records of the condition isused. If no such records exist, then the system tries to determine theICM from deleted condition records. if this also fails, then the defaultICM defined on the selection screen is used.
If simulation is deactivated, then the records found are updated.


  • You can also specify a range of contract numbers to restrict the
  • selection of individual conditions. The default setting is the completeGUID range
    • You must specify a default interest calculation method, which is set in
    • incorrect records for which no ICM can be determined from the relevantcondition.
      • The interest calendar is only required for the default ICM 'A';
      • otherwise, the entry in the field has no effect.
        • The 'simulation' checkbox controls whether the run is a simulation run
        • (no DB update) or an update run. Simulation is the default setting.
          • The 'detailed log' checkbox controls whether the key fields I_LIST and
          • I_COMP of all incorrect records are to be output in the log.

            The system outputs a log that lists the table of all errors and whetherthe condition is a standard and/or individual condition. If simulationis deactivated, then the system also outputs the number of records thathave been updated in the database.
            If 'detailed log' is deactivated, then the system outputs the key fieldsI_LIST and I_COMP for every incorrect record.