Programme SAP RFIBAN_ALE - IBAN Distribution

Distribution of IBANs that have already been created.

If you use the IBAN distribution with ALE, the IBANs are sentautomatically to all systems in group. However, it is possible thatthe data is not distributed because the system is not availableto which the IBANs are to be sent, for example, or the settings inCustomizing are not complete or correct.
You can use this report to distribute IBANs that you have alreadycretaed in the systems to other systems.

You have entered the settings for using ALE to distribute IBANs.

If the IBAN is not yet in the target system, it is createdagain. If the IBAN is in the target system, changed data such as IBANand validity date is updated.

Specify the bank date for an IBAN that is to be distributed and thenrun the report. Start the report only in test mode first, then checkthat the correct IBANs are selected.
If you do not enter any IBANs, the system selects all IBANs. If theselection is too large, the system issues a message asking you torestrict the data quantity.

The system displays a list of IBANs that were sent to the other systemsin the group.

1097088Using ALE to distribute the IBAN: Documentation