Programme SAP RFHABU00 - General Ledger from the Document File

General ledger from the document file
The report documents the G/L account postings in the form of a generalledger. That data output in the general ledger are on the one handtaken from G/L account master record information and on the other handfrom the transactions for the G/L accounts.

To ensure that the program compares the line item totals with theaccount balances, you must select all the documents in an account,rather than merely selecting documents of a certain type only, forexample.

The following information is displayed:

  • G/L account master record information (company code, account number,
  • account currency and G/L account name).
    • Transactions for the G/L account previously output from the
    • distinguished period under review
      The output item information is sorted according to fiscal year, fiscalmonth, posting date, document number and line item.
      All G/L accounts which are no reconciliation accounts are usuallyexplained in their items. If you do not want to output the iteminformation for certain G/L accounts (for example, asset reconciliationaccounts or material stock accounts), you have to select them using thecorresponding selection parameter (G/L accounts without line items).All accounts for which no line item output is desired must bespecified. In this case, the numeric values for the balances areobtained from the master records.
      In addition to the usual information of an item line, specificadditional account assignments are output in separate lines as far asthey are contained in the item. These are:
      segment text
      document header text
      cost center and plant
      project information
      quantity information
      personnel information
      order information
      Period totals
      At the end of an account, a business area or a company code, a tablewith period totals is output, in which the balance carried forward andper period under review (month and year) the debit and credit totals,the respective balances and the cumulative balance including the newbalance are output.
      If item information was displayed previously, the totals are taken fromit. Otherwise, the validation is carried out from the master data.
      If no breakdown is chosen, the items are not sorted according tobusiness areas, and also no totals per business area are output.
      If you do not select 'Print accounts with no postings', all accountsfor which no documents exist in the period under review are displayed/printed. This causes an interaction with the 'Break down bus.areas'parameter. If the business areas are not separated, transactionfigures for business areas which were not posted to will also be output(see example).
      For G/L accounts which are managed in foreign currency, the totalstables are also displayed in foreign currency in addition to the localcurrency.
      At the end of the report, a table which contains the totals of allcompany codes is output with period totals.
      The report can also run as a summary report, whereas a distinctionbetween two types of summary reports is made.
      • Summary report 1:

      • If summary report 1 is selected on the selection screen, only alltotals tables are printed. That means the output of the totalsinformation per G/L account, business area, company code and via allcompany codes.
        • Summary report 2:

        • If summary report 2 is selected on the selection screen, only thetotals tables at the end of a company code and the totals for allcompany codes are output.
          The following error messages may appear at the end of the report:
          Items were selected which had no master records.
          No entry was found in table T001.
          No G/L account C segment could be read.
          Micro-fiche line layout (variable part):
          Company code
          G/L account number
          Fiscal year
          Business area

          The following transaction figures exist for an account:
          Posting period Business area
          1995 12 space 100
          1995 12 0001 20
          1995 12 0002 5
          1996 01 space 10
          1996 01 0001 20
          Depending on the parameters selected, the report will produce the
          following account totals:
          Print unpostd acct/ BusAr brkdown Bal CarryFwd Month 1996 01
          X X 125 30
          space X 120 (*1 30
          X space 125 30
          space space 125 (*2 30
          *1) The balance carried forward is printed since no items were postedto business area 0002 in the period of time examined.
          *2) The program combines the balances carried forward for all businessareas, therefore all are output.

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