Programme SAP RFGMSCL1 - Master Data Index for Sponsored Classes

Master Data Index for Sponsored Classes

The report displays sponsored class data entered in the sponsored classtransaction. The report shows sponsored class description, creation dateand sponsored class attributes. When FM is activated in GM the FMreference objects are coming up.

This report uses the ABAP List Viewer (ALV). The ALV display is onedimensional, allowing exports into Excel or other reportingenvironments. The standard ALV allows you to choose, change, and savedisplay variants. Fields can be hidden, moved around, and resized. Datacan be sorted, summarized, and filtered on one or more fields.

The standard selection screen contains the following blocks:
Classes used in
Selections based on the object itself perform best. In addition, you canspecify classes used in grants.

The report displays the reporting structure GMRSCL. This reportingstructure contains the master data table of the object GMSPCLASS andadditional fields used to specify the descriptive text for attributes.The report contains additional navigation features:

  • A where-used list can be accessed on checked sponsored classes

  • Double click the sponsored class number to access the master data
  • transaction.

    Allowing flexible and customer specific reporting, you can defineadditional reporting data in a DDic structure CI_GMRSCL which isincluded in the sponsored class master data index structure GMRSCL. Youcan then populate this data using reporting BADI "BADI_GM_GMREP" usingthe methode "GM_EXTEND_GMRSCL" in the implementation"IMP_BADI_GM_GMREP".