Programme SAP RFGMLINEITEMS - Grants Management: Line Item Display

This report shows all actual line items within the Grants Managementledger.

This report can be used as drilldown report for the report writer or asdata target in BW. To activate the report as receiver report in theReport Writer follow these steps:
Change the Report Writer group (transaction: GR52).
Enter the Report Writer group to which the drilldown feature should beactivated.
Configure the report/report interface by clicking on the configurationbutton.
Hit the plus sign on the configuration window.
Specify RT as other report type.
Enter this report.
Save this configuration.

Postings in the Grants Management ledger table GMIA or GMIP.

The default selections are: Company Code,Grant, Fund,Sponsored Program,Sponsored Class, Posting Date and theReference Document Number [Purchase Order, Purchase Requisition, FIdocument, and so on].
Beside these default selections, the report offers dynamic selections.

The output of this report is a generic ALV grid display. The fieldcatalog for display includes all fields from table GMIA.