Programme SAP RFGMARBDWR - Archiving GM Budget Documents - Write Program

This program writes the requested budget records to the data archive.The budget records are selected out of the different budget documenttables. Budget hold documents are not included in this archivingprocess.


Specify the residence time to keep thebudgeting records in your system available.
BAdI GM_ARCHIVE_EXIT is available for anyadditional archiving requirements.

The program is designed for annual execution and should be executed inbackground processing, as is common for archiving programs.
Some of the important program parameters:

  • Company Code

  • Grant Number

  • Request individual grants to be archived
    • Fund

    • In case you need to synchronize archiving execution with FundsManagement (FM), the fund is provided as an optional selection.
      • Version

      • The version allows you to archive specific budget phases.
        • Grantee Fiscal Year

        • Select archiving records based on the specified grantee fiscal year.
          Additional Processing Options as defined in the archiving standards:
          • Test Mode

          • If the test mode is specified the archiving process is executed withoutcreating the archiving records.
            • Productive Mode and delete with test variant

            • If the productive mode is specified the archiving process is executed infull and the archiving records are stored in a data file. If you specifythe delete with test variant option, the follow on delete program iscalled in test mode. Otherwise, the delete program is called with theimmediate delete request.
              • Detail Log and Log Output

              • You can specify the level of detail in the log and whether the outputshould be presented as list or within the application log.

                Depending on the output you select, the program presents the result as alist or within the application log.