Programme SAP RFFWSOP2 - Display Special Items Article 43 of the GCC Introductory Act

Display special items for handling gains from currency translation(Article 43 of the GCC Introductory Act).
The program displays the special items which exist at the predefinedkey date.
These are items which are still open at the key date and for which again from currency translation was made.
The posting must now be made manually for the amount of the specialitem totals and be reset on the key date + 1. (Expense to specialitems)

The special items must be stored using program RFFWSOP01.

The program displays the open items at the key date with their foreigncurrency and local currency amounts.
The subtotals are displayed per customer/vendor account, general ledgeraccount and company code.

Gain from currency translation with SAPF100 : +200
Post with SAPF100: 140099 to Revenue 200
Creation of special items
Program still displays 150 BFR at the key date
Expense to Sp.items 150
Only 50 BFR (200 - 150) is displayed as the gain per balance.
Reversal: Sp.items to expense 150