Programme SAP RFFWSOP1 - Save Special Items from Foreign Currency Valuation

Display and offset special item on the debit side for handling gainsfrom currency translation (Article 43 of the GCC Introductory Act).Part 1) Importing the valuation results and setting up a table. Theprogram reads the sequential file from the SAPF100 foreign currencyvaluation program and sets up a table from this with items whose duedate is after the closing key date (parameters) of the fiscal year forwhich the balance sheet is to be created and whose valuation adjustmentleads to gains.

The foreign currency valuation for open items must have been created.Here the "Always valuate" valuation method must be selected since thisalso permits gains. The results must also have been written to asequential file. This file can be reached by specifying a file name inthe "File name" parameter.

The number of datasets read and the number of items which are stored inthe table are displayed.

Long-term receivable 1000 DEM (transaction currency is, for example,
Valuation 1997 -100 DEM (Devaluation with lowest value
Valuation 1999 -40 DEM (Devaluation: Exchange rate fixing)
The difference between the new and the old valuation is now noted in a
table (gain = 60 DEM).