Programme SAP RFFWAB00 - Reconcile Foreign Currency Valuation Differences with Adjustment Acct

The valuation differences from foreign currency valuations are storedin the FI documents and displayed as a total in P+L accounts and inbalance sheet adjustment accounts (such as receivables adjustmentaccount). When converting the local currency amounts, the individualvaluation differences stored in the documents are now translated to theeuro. After conversion, it may be that due to rounding differences, thetotal of the translated valuation differences in the balance sheetadjustment account then no longer match the individual convertedvaluation differences in the documents.
The result of this is that a rounding difference remains in the P+Laccount and in the balance sheet adjustment account after clearing theitems and offsetting the valuation differences connected with this.
For calculating this difference, the program now displays the totals ofthe posted valuation differences (in parallel local currencies aswell). These totals are compared to the adjustment account balances.
Assuming that these adjustment accounts are only posted to by theforeign currency valuation, the valuation difference balance from theopen documents must match the adjustment account balance. You can nowmake a manual posting.

The program displays the saved valuation differences from the openitems at the key date. These totals are compared to the adjustmentaccount transaction figures.