Programme SAP RFFRCBIC80 - Report for the State Central Bank Indicator in France

In France, companies are required to report details (values and dates)about their imports and exports to the authorities. You can use theState Central Bank Report (RFFRCBIC80) to prepare an electronicfile containing this information.

Before you can run the report, you have to define the state central bankindicator in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), bychoosing Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> BusinessTransactions -> Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos -> Define SCB Indicatorfor Foreign Trade Regulations. The French country code is not a keyfield in this table, so you have to create a new entry and specify theState Central Banks indicator in the format F01 - F99 (for example, F01for 103 - Rabais et ristournes sur merchandises), and then enter theofficial indicator for France (for example, 103) as the indicator service specifications.

Day-To-Day Activities
When you enter invoices for customers and vendors located in a differentcountry, you have to enter the State Central Bank indicator on theinvoice.

To access the report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseAccounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Reporting ->Foreign Trade Regulations -> France -> State Central Bank Report.
The State Central Bank Report selects sales-related items forwhich the recipient is in a different country, regardless of whether youhave set the State Central Bank indicator. The system thengenerates a list of the selected invoices, which you can output eitheron the screen or as a file to send to the authorities.

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761276RFFRCBIC80 Currency and format of reporting amount
724511French Central Bank Report C80
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