DEFINE &T042B-AFORN& = 'F110_IN_AVIS' DEFINE &T042E-WFORN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-ZFORN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-ANZPO& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-XFOSP& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-PROGN& = 'RFFONO_G' DEFINE &T042Z-ZLSTN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-TXTSL& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSCHK& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSWEC& = ' 'Description This program generates domestic and foreign payment mediums forelectronic data exchange with a Norwegian Post Office bank. In additionto the payment mediums, you can also print the relevant payment advicenotes and payment summaries when running this program. INCLUDE NO_FUNK_BK OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Precondition RESET N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_F110 ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042B ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042Z ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042E ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 For each company code, the corresponding house bank assigns a DME usernumber that you maintain in the bank master record (Proceed>). To identify data mediums sent to a Post Office bank, two furtheridentifications are required (sending ID and file ID). You maintainthese IDs under "Payment methods/Company code". Having selected thecompany code and payment method, choose "Form data" and enter thesender ID and the file ID in the third and fourth line of the "Issuer"data on the relevant form. Proceed>. Further settings. Payments abroad: You can use an instruction key to control to whom the bank chargesincurred for payments abroad are to be charged. To do this, create aninstruction key and make an appropriate entry in the "Cost allocationkey" field (Proceed >). The possible entries here areas follows: "00" : Charges in Norway are paid by the sending company code, chargesincurred abroad are paid by the recipient. "01": All charges are paid by the sending company code. "02": All charges are to be paid by the recipient. "03": Charges in Norway are paid by the recipient, charges incurredabroad are paid by the sending company code. The standard setting is "00". You can enter the instruction key eitherin the bank data (Proceed>) or in the master data ofthe business partner in question (after the bank details). If you enterit in the master data, the system reads this entry first, meaning thisentry has priority. You can also change the instruction key whenprocessing a payment proposal. When making payments abroad, you can use instructions to determine theway in which payment is made. You can enter this instruction in thedocument itself (in the second instruction field) or as a secondinstruction in an instruction key. Possible entries are as follows: RESET N2 "11": Rapid payment "12": Payment by bank check "13": Payment via Nordpay "14": Payment within the Post Office bank group The instructions and the corresponding code words for the DME file mustalready be defined (see IMG).Transfer of reference number in Norway When entering an invoice, you can enter a paymentreference number> in the payment reference field. ReportT042z-progn checks whether this number is correct and, if so, itenters this number in the data medium. RESET N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_LAYOUT_SET' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_SYMBOLS ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_ADVICE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_MAINTAIN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH AS INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_PAYMENT_RUN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U1Output INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_SPOOL ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_FILE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_TEMSE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_ERRORMESSAGES' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 |