------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE &T042B-AFORN& = 'F110_D_AVIS' DEFINE &T042E-WFORN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-ZFORN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-ANZPO& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-XFOSP& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-PROGN& = 'RFFOM210' DEFINE &T042Z-ZLSTN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-TXTSL& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSWEC& = ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Hinweis: This program is still in the testing phase and has not yet beenreleased. SAP therefore cannot guarantee the successful implementationof this program. If you require the MT210 format, contact SAP. Description The program generates messages in the format MT210 Notice to Receive.This is based on the format specifications as described in theS.W.I.F.T. handbook standard 2. The format is used in internationalpayment transactions for payment advice notes for incoming payments. Aswell as the output file with the MT210 messages, the respective paymentadvice notes and payment summaries can also be printed. Precondition INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_F110 ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042B ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042Z ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042E ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T015W ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_LAYOUT_SET' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 RESET N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_SYMBOLS ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_ADVICE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_MAINTAIN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH AS INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_PAYMENT_RUN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 Output INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_SPOOL ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 You will find more detailed information on the structure of the datamedium in the technicaldescription>. INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_FILE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_TEMSE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3User exit You can use the defined user exit interfaces to modify the programoutput for data medium exchange. DEFINE &UEXIT_INCL_FILE& = 'ZXFORU03' DEFINE &UEXIT_STRUCTURE& = 'DTAM100' DEFINE &UEXIT_MODULE& = 'EXIT_RFFOEXIT_900' DEFINE &UEXIT_PROJECT& = 'RFFOX900' DEFINE &UEXIT_ENHANCE& = 'RFFOX900' You will find further information on modifying the MT100 record in theUser exit> documentation. INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_ERRORMESSAGES' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 |