------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE &T042B-AFORN& = 'F110_D_AVIS' DEFINE &T042E-WFORN& = ' '. DEFINE &T042E-ZFORN& = ' '. DEFINE &T042E-ANZPO& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-XFOSP& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-PROGN& = 'RFFOM199' DEFINE &T042Z-ZLSTN& = ' '. DEFINE &T042Z-TXTSL& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSCHK& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSWEC& = ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Hinweis: This program is still in the test phase and has not yet been released.SAP therefore does not provide any guarantee for usage of this program.If you need the format MT199, please contact SAP. Description The program creates files with texts for settling special payments. Thetexts to be processed are entered using the SAPscript editor in viewmaintenance (View V_TBKSP) and stored in Table TBKSZ. Table TBKSZ iscompletely maintained during view maintenance, but cannot be seen bythe user. The reason for the split into two tables is that a text withseveral lines occupies several entries in the database table, however,the user only wants to see and maintain one line for each text in thetable. One special payment text in Table TBKSZ is therefore assignedto one entry in Table TBKSP. Depending on whether this text has one ormore lines, this corresponds to a 1:1- or 1:n ration between TablesTBKSP and TBKSZ. INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_TBKSP' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 You can decide whether you want to create one file per payment advicenote or combine several advice notes in one file. In addition to theoutput file with MT199 messages, the respective advice notes andpayment summaries can also be printed. Precondition INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_F110 ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042B ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042Z ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042E ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T015W ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_LAYOUT_SET' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 RESET N1. INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_SYMBOLS ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_ADVICE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_MAINTAIN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH AS INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_PAYMENT_RUN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 Output INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_SPOOL ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_FILE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_TEMSE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_ERRORMESSAGES' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 |