------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE &T042B-AFORN& = 'F110_JP_AVIS' DEFINE &T042E-WFORN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-ZFORN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042E-ANZPO& = '0' DEFINE &T042E-XFOSP& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-PROGN& = 'RFFOJP_T' DEFINE &T042Z-ZLSTN& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-TXTSL& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSCHK& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSWEC& = ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------Description This program creates payment orders for japanese domestic banktransfers according to ZENGINKYO (japanese banking association) andposts the bank charges. Aside from DME, you can also print out the accompanying paymentadvices, DME accompanying sheets and payment summaries in a progam run. Precondition INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_F110 ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042B ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042Z ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042E ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 Note: enter the issuer details as follows: Line 1,,Name of issuer in HANKAKU-KATAKANA (no more than 40 characters) Line 2,,continuation of line 1 Line 3,,continuation of line 2 Line 4,,free For the automatic posting of bank charges, you need to enter thegrading of the charges as well as the tax codes, posting keys andaccounts (bank sub-account and bank charges account) to be used. To dothis, select Company codes->Bank charges (Japan)> and thenBank charges> and Account determination>. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T015W ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 Hinweis: you use the cost allocation to control who covers the feesfor the transfer. In the bank data for the person master record, you must enter theaccount holder's name and the payee's bank control key>.Make sure you use only the characters permitted by ZENGINKY. You can also enter the instruction key, which controls the transfer ofthe fees. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF DEFINE &T042E-WFORN& = 'DUMMY' INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T012D ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 DEFINE &T042E-WFORN& = ' ' Note: specify whether payment is to be carried out by mail or bycable. Also enter the company number of the company code at the housebank. Finally specify the account category via the bank control key ofthe house bank account (Goto->Bank accounts>): 01,,Savings account (FUTSU) 02,,Current account (TOUZA) For both the house banks and the banks of the business partner, thename of the financial institute and the name of the branch must onlycontain characters permitted by ZENGINKYO. RESET N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_LAYOUT_SET' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_SYMBOLS ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_ADVICE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_MAINTAIN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH AS RESET N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_PAYMENT_RUN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2Output Bank charges You can debit the bank charges for domestic bank transfers to thepaying company code or the payee. As explained above, you can use aninstruction key in the master record to show whether the businesspartner is paying the bank charges. If this is the case, the programdetermines the amount involved and automatically posts the paymentamount, the bank charges and the taxes on sales/purchases to thecorresponding G/L accounts. Based on the cost allocation key, thefollowing documents are posted: 1 (Charges debited to paying company code) Itm PK Account Tax code Tax Amount in JPY >> 001 40 Bank sub-account 50.000 > 002 50 Bank(sub-)account 50.000-> 2 (Charges debited to payee) Itm PK Account Tax code Tax Amount in JPY >> 003 40 Bank sub-account 50.000 > 001 50 Bank(sub-)account 49.691-> 002 50 G/L charges accnt A1 9- 300-> 004 50 Tax clearing accnt A1 9-> INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_SPOOL ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_FILE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_TEMSE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_ERRORMESSAGES' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 |