------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE &T042B-AFORN& = 'F110_AT_AVIS' DEFINE &T042E-WFORN& = 'F110_AT_DTA_V3' DEFINE &T042E-ZFORN& = 'F110_AT_UEBERW' DEFINE &T042E-ANZPO& = '4' DEFINE &T042E-XFOSP& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-PROGN& = 'RFFOAT_A' DEFINE &T042Z-ZLSTN& = 'LIST3S' DEFINE &T042Z-TXTSL& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSCHK& = ' ' DEFINE &T042Z-XSWEC& = ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description You should now use the Payment Medium Workbench to create data mediawith the format PAYMUL V3. Although report RFFOAT_A is still beingdelivered, the long term intention is to support only the PaymentMedium Workbench (program SAPFPAYM), which is to supersede all of theRFFO* reports. The program creates foreign bank transfers in Austrian V3 format. Thisformat, which is the basis for the EDIFACT format PAYMUL AZV, makes itpossible to transfer both in Euros and foreign currency, and alsopayment by means of check. In addition to the payment media, you can also print the relatedpayment advice notes, payment summaries and accompanying sheets in oneprogram run. Other forms are not supported. Precondition STYLE S_DOCUS1 Payment program configuration The parameters that control the payment medium program process programare set via the payment program Customizing menu. You can findadditional information on configuring the payment program in theImplementation Guide (IMG). IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. ENDIF. STYLE * STYLE S_DOCUS1 IF &T042B-AFORN& NE ' ' OR &T042E-ZFORN& NE ' ' OR &T042E-WFORN& NE ' '. 1. You need to make entries for the paying company code. Select therelevant paying company code you want using the button 'Paying CompanyCodes'. IF &T042B-AFORN& NE ' '. Define a SAPscript payment advice note form that is used by all paymentmethods for the company code if payment advice notes are to be printed.You can use form &T042B-AFORN& in the standard system as an example. ENDIF. Text modules need to be created and entered in which the texts forletter header, footer, signature and sender are stored for each companycode. The modules can be included in the forms used. To do this choosethe button 'Sender Details', from where by selecting the modules youcan also branch to text maintenance. The names of the texts can befreely defined by the user, for example F_0001_HEADER could be used forthe letter header in company code 0001. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. ENDIF. ENDIF. STYLE * STYLE S_DOCUS1 2. You need to assign the name of the payment medium program RFFOAT_Ato the payment method to avoid incorrect payment media being issuedwith another program in error. IF &T042Z-ZLSTN& NE ' '. In addition, you can enter a short name (or print dataset, for exampleT042z-zlstn) making it easier to find the forms generated in theprint manager. ENDIF. IF &T042Z-TXTSL& NE ' '. A text key is also needed in the code line or the form or data mediumthat you likewise have to define. You can obtain the correct text keyfrom the description of the payment medium (for example, &T042Z-TXTSL& ). ENDIF. To do this, first choose the country of your paying company code under'Payment Methods in Country', and then the desired payment method, andmaintain the data for printing the form. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN'. ENDIF. STYLE * 3. The foreign currency statistics of the OeNB require the entry of aservice indicator (foreign payment) that can accept the followingvalues: 1 = Import 2 = Own Carryforward 3 = Other This indicator is maintained in the document. If the service indicator has the value 3 then a detailed description ofthe payment reason is required. The text of this description isdetermined using the state central bank indicator, which you also needto enter in the document. INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T042E ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH AS In V3 format there is a maximum of four lines available for the note topayee in the case of a foreign bank transfer. You can create a paymentadvice note if the note to payee requires more than four lines. You have to fill in the entries for the issuer as follows: Line 1,,Name 1 of the issuer Line 2,,Name 2 of the issuer Line 3,,Street Line 4,,City. Issuer line 1 and 2 are merged in the data carrier for the field'payer/recipient'. INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T012D ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 Hinweis: you need to maintain the bank number of the data mediumrecipient if this differs from that of the house bank. The data processing register number, the customer/vendor EB number forthe cash payment order and also the two digit abbreviation for theaccounting clerk / telephone number are maintained with the additionalentries for the company code. IF &DEVICE& EQ 'SCREEN' ENDIF INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_CUSTOMIZING_T001S ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH AL RESET N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_LAYOUT_SET' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_SYMBOLS ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_ADVICE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH N1 Layout of the Pages Windows and elements Layout of data medium accompanying sheet (in the standard systemT042e-wforn) Pages FIRST Accompanying sheet NEXT Accompanying sheet Windows and elements KOPF 1BZ_HEADER Header of the accompanying sheet MAIN 2BZ_NACHRICHT Message data MAIN 3BZ_LIN LIN data (for collective payment order) MAIN 4BZ_NACHRICHT_T Message closing Three internal tables have been defined for filling the accompanyingsheet: bz_dt for the header data. This table contains the following fieldsamongst others: EMPF Recipient bank of the data medium ABS Sender of the data medium ANSP Accounting clerk TEL Tel. of the accounting clerk tel_exten1 Extension of the accounting clerk BZ_NACH for the messages. One of the fields in this table is: TYP Type of message ('PAYMUL') BZ_LIN for each LIN section or collective order. This table containsthe following fields amongst others: ART Type of message ('UEBW') BLZ Bank number of the processing bank KTONR Our account number at the processing bank SUM Total of the amounts of the collective order UMSATZ Number of individual orders INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_SAPSCRIPT_MAINTAIN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH AS RESET N1 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_PAYMENT_RUN ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 Output INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_SPOOL ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_FILE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_DME_TEMSE ' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U3 INCLUDE 'FI_RFFO_OUTPUT_ERRORMESSAGES' OBJECT DOKU ID TX PARAGRAPH U2 General information on the structure of V3 Payments which: are settled via the same account and in the same currency have the same date of execution have the same payment method are grouped together in a collective order. A file generated by this report can only contain the message 'PAYMUL'.Such a message consists of segments which are assigned to levels: Level A: Contains information (segments), describing the following: Who sends to whom Who to contact if problems arise with the message at the bank Level B: Contains information for the settlement of collective orders: Settlement account of the collective order Date of execution of the collective order Total of all amounts of the payments (bank transfers or direct debits)relating to a collective order. The B level can have several collective orders. A collective orderbegins with the segment 'LIN' and ends with the next segment 'LIN'. Thepoint of level B is to write all of the entries which remain the samefor the single orders (the C level) once in the B level. Level C: Describes the single orders: To whom (from whom) How many For what reason A single order begins with the segment 'SEQ' and ends with the nextsegment 'SEQ'. Customer to customer information structures V3 offers, in addition to the text as note to payee, the structurednote to payee, the data of which can then be used direct by therecipient's data processing system. If you select the field 'Customer-customer info struct.' then theinvoice number, the invoice amount, the invoice date and the amount ofdiscount are output in the DME file. |