Programme SAP RFFMWH10 - Change Documents for Rules and Relations to Budget Increase

Change Documents for Revenues Increasing the Budget Rules andAssignments

The program displays changes made to the rules and relations forrevenues increasing the budget.

You have created or changed the relevant rules and assignments forrevenues increasing the budget.

You can choose between displaying change documents for the rules or theassignments.
Depending on the way you choose to display the rules and assignments,you can further restrict your selection to relevant revenues orexpenditures FM account assignments.
To do this, enter the relevant selection options in the 'Selectioncriteria for rules' or 'Selection criteria for relationship' groups.
You can also limit your selection according to date of change, username of the person who made the change and the action carried out ('I'for inserted records, 'R' for deleted records and 'U' for changedrecords), you do this in the 'Selection criteria for changeinformation' group.

Change documents for rules
Data is displayed in a list grouped according to revenues FM accountassignments.
Change documents for relations
Data is displayed in a list grouped according to revenues andexpenditures FM account assignments.
By clicking on an individual item in the list you can see details ofthe change that was made.