Programme SAP RFFMUD_CORRECTION - Correction Report for RIB - Former Budgeting Distribution Process 1

This program corrects inconsistencies that can occur in the databasetables for Revenue Increasing Budget (RIB) in Former Budgeting (FB) inthe case of distribution procedure 1.


  • You use Former Budgeting.

  • You use distribution procedure 1(also called document-based procedure)
  • for Revenue Increasing Budget (RIB).
    • You use a RIB rule where invoices, payments, down payments and/or
    • transfer postings can increase the budget. Do this from the menu withthe transaction FMIA..
      • You increase the budget with the transactions FMIB and FMIC.
      • Features
        When you run this program, you correct inconsistencies in the data basetables for the RIB (FMUDBSEGH and FMUDBSEGP). The inconsistencies arefound by using the RIB monitor (transaction FMID). When needed, theprogram reverses budget documents automatically. Moreover, you can forcethe reversal of budget documents even if inconsistencies are not found.
        Typical inconsistencies which can be corrected by this report are:

        • A RIB budget document created automatically by transaction FMIB is
        • manually reversed. The manual reversal process does not update the DBtables for RIB.
          • You post a FI-document on a revenue address for which a RIB rule exists.
          • You run the transaction FMIC and FMIB. A RIB budget document is createdfor this FI-document. Now you reverse the FI-document by running theprogram RFFMDLFI Deleting Actual Data or the transaction FMN0 DocumentTransfer from Financial Accounting . A reversal line (FMIFIIT-PAYFLG='Z' -> Reversal document) is registered in the data base table FMIFIITfor the same invoice number/item. You now have a RIB budget documentwhose corresponding FI-document was reversed. This is an inconsistencywhich cannot be corrected by calling again FMIC and FMIB. TransactionFMIC will sum the reversal and reversed lines in FMIFIIT for theFI-document number. The result is zero, therefore no budget is availablefor increase.

            • Constraints
              • This program does not correct inconsistencies created by the forecast of
              • revenue documents.
                • Even if you define a budget sub-type for the automatic RIB, it is
                • possible to increase the budget manually using the RIB rules for thisbudget sub-type. The DB tables for the RIB are not updated by manualRIB. There is no way to distinguish in the data base tables of thebudget documents the RIB budget documents created manually from the onescreated automatically. Therefore, there is no way to correct thisinconsistency.
                  • If you reassign a revenue invoice, new lines for the same invoice
                  • number/item with the amount type 0600 (sender address) and 0650(receiver address) are updated in the table FMIFIIT. Lines with theseamount types are not considered by the transaction FMIC. Therefore, theyare never updated in FMUDBSEGH.


                    • Enter the FM area and fiscal year you want to work with.

                    • You can enter the company codes, document numbers and line items where
                    • you have found inconsistencies.
                      • You can enter the revenue FM account assignments in order to further
                      • restrict the selection.
                        • You can force the program to reverse budget documents for surplus lines
                        • or not, even if inconsistencies are not found.
                          • Choose Test Run to run the program in test mode first.

                          • You can enter the layout for the output
                          • Output
                            The output list contains the corrections done (or to be done in case oftest run) in the database tables, including the new and the old valuesof the changed fields.
                            You can also display an error log if there were errors during the budgetreversal process.

                            DB tables FMUDBSEGH and FMUDBSEGP are updated.
                            RIB budgets can be reversed. If this is the case, new correspondinglines are inserted in DB table FMUDBSEGP.
                            Below is a list of inconsistencies and corrections which are done bythis report:
                            Field FMUDBSEGH-FIBELNR is initial or FieldsFMUDBSEGH-FIBELNR+FIBUZEI+Revenue FMAA does not exist in DB tableFMIFIIT:
                            Action: Reverse the budget
                            FMUDBSEGP: New line is added for the reversal budget
                            FMUDBSEGH: See 9
                            Field FMUDBSEGH-STATUS='C' while FMIFIIT-PAYFLG='X' and Paymentsincrease the budget:
                            Action: Reopen the corresponding line in FMUDBSEGH
                            FMUDBSEGH: Update line with STATUS='O'
                            Field FMUDBSEGH-WRTBTR:
                            Action: Check with correct value coming from the field FMIFIIT-FKBTR
                            FMUDBSEGH: Update line if this field has a different value
                            Field FMUDBSEGH-ERHBGTR:
                            Action: Calculate the value using the correct WRTBTR value and the RIBrule
                            FMUDBSEGH: Update line if this field has a different value
                            Field FMUDBSEGP-BGBELNR is INITIAL or does not exit in the DB table forbudget documents:
                            Action: Reset budget value
                            FMUDBSEGP: Line is updates with reset value for field BGBTR
                            FMUDBSEGH: See 9
                            Field FMUDBSEGP-BGBELNR is reserved and the reversal budget has nocorrisponding line in the table FMUDBSEGP:
                            Action: Add the missing line corresponding to the reversal budget
                            FMUDBSEGP: New line is added for the reversal budget
                            FMUDBSEGH: See 9
                            Field FMUDBSEGP-BGBELNR is reserval and the reversed budget has nocorrisponding line in the table FMUDBSEGP:
                            Action: add the missing line corresponding to the reversed budget
                            FMUDBSEGP: New line is added for the reversed budget
                            FMUDBSEGH: See 9
                            Field FMUDBSEGP-BGBTR:
                            Action: calculate the value using correct values from budget tables
                            FMUDBSEGP: Update the line if the value for field BGBTR is different
                            FMUDBSEGH: See 9
                            Field FMUDBSEGH-SUMBGBTR:
                            Action: calculation of value using the correct values for BGBTR (see 8)-> SUMBGBTR = sum FMUDBSEGP-BGBTR
                            FMUDBSEGH: Update the line if the value for field SUMBGBTR is different
                            If FMUDBSEGH-ERHBGBTR < SUMBGBTR, the inconsistency can be solved onlyby reversing all budget documents related to this FI document:
                            Action: All budgets related to this FI document must be reversed
                            FMUDBSEGP: New lines are added for the reversed budget documents
                            FMUDBSEGH: See 9 and set the line status as open.