Programme SAP RFFMS_SHOW_FM_FI_CA_DOCS - FI/FM Document from FI-CA

For FI documents that arise from FI-CA documents, this report shows theupdate in Funds Management (FM) for each line item.

It is generally called from report RFFMRC01_FICA.

The output is mixed:

  • First the FI line item is shown in a different color and indicated
  • clearly in the first column.
    • If the FI line item is relevant for the update the updated FM records
    • follow.
      Next there is a description of the expected update in FM depending onFMTYP.
      ,,A ,,54,,0100,,FICA,,,,,,,,
      ,,B,,54, 54, 57,,0100, 0200, 0250,,FICA,, ,,The total of both 54 linesis zero.
      ,,C,,54, 57,,0200, 0250,,FICA,, ,,The total of both lines is zero.
      ,,D,,54, 57,,0200, 0250,,FICA,, ,,As FMTYP = C, but CFLEV is set.
      ,,E,,54, 57,,0200, 0250,,FICA,, ,,As FMTYP = C, but record in thefollowing year
      ,,F,,54, 57,,0200, 0250,,FICA,, ,,As FMTYP = C
      ,,G,,57,,0100,,FICA,,FMAK,,Activation in transaction OF29
      ,,I,,61,,0100,,FICA,, ,,These lines generally appear in pairs.
      ,,J,,6B,,0100,,FICA,, ,,Activation in transaction OF29
      ,,K,,54,,0100,,FICT,, ,,No update
      ,,M,,54,,0100,,FICA,, ,,As FMTYP = A, but CFLEV is set.
      ,,O,,54, 54, 57,,0100, 0200, 0250,,FICA,, ,,As FMTYP = B, but CFLEV isset.

      Choose @10@ to navigate to the display of the FI-CA totals records andthe related line items.