Programme SAP RFFMSL - Mass processing of commitment items in FM area

Using program RFFMSL, you can display commitment items of an FMarea/fiscal year with a selection of master data attributes and makechanges in them.
The following functions are available to you for maintaining commitmentitems:

  • Individual processing

  • You can process individual commitment items by calling up the masterrecord of the commitment items in the selection list with a doubleclick.
    • Sequential processing

    • You select several commitment items in the selection list; the systemcalls up the master record for each commitment item sequentially. Afteryou have made the changes, the next commitment item master recordmarked in the selection list is called up automatically upon saving.
      • Multiple processing

      • You select several commitment items in the selection list; the systemoffers you all changeable attributes for selection in the attributelist. After you have made your selection, you can carry out thesimultaneous maintenance of all selected attributes in a dialog box.The new values are then simultaneously transferred for all selectedcommitment items.
        Selection list
        The selection list displays you all commitment items of the FM
        area/fiscal year and the respective attributes you have selected formass maintenance.
        You define on the initial screen with function List attributeswhich attributes you want to include in the selection list.
        You user-defined attributes are also offered if you have completed thecommitment item master record with extra user-defined attributes usingthe SAP enhancement FMMD0017.
        Note that displaying additional attributes in the selection list islimited to a maximum of 50 characters.
        Call up the program in menu Funds Management via Masterdata-> Commitment item -> Mass processing.
        Enter the FM area and the respective fiscal year in which you want tomake the changes.
        Choose List attributes and define there which attributes are tobe displayed in the selection list. Choose Transfer.
        Choose Execute.
        You reach the screen Mass selection of commitment items
        In the selection search, limit the commitment items of the FM area thatare to be listed in the selection list for the master data change andchoose Execute.
        You reach the screen Mass maintenance of commitment items
        Define the selection of commitment items to be listed in the selectionfor master data changes and choose Execute.
        You reach the selection list of commitment items. In addition to thekey and the name, you are displayed those attributes you defined inpoint 3.
        Select all commitment items in the selection list that you would liketo change and choose Sequential processing or Multipleprocessing. You can also call up the Individual processingdirectly without selecting.
        If you have chosen Sequential processing , then you can executethe changes one after the other in the master records of the commitmentitems. After saving the last master data record, you return to theselection list.
        If you have chosen Multiple processing ,then you are offered anattribute list in a dialog box, in which you must mark all attributesthat you would like to change. Choose Transfer
        A dialog box is displayed in which you can carry out the changes to thepreviously selected attributes. Choose Transfer.
        You return to the selection list.

        The selection list always displays the current values of the masterdata before and after a mass or individual maintenance. If you havechanged a commitment item, this is represented in the selection list bybeing marked yellow. If the system also made indirect changes to thesubordinate commitment items (when passing on attributes), you can seethis by the dark yellow highlighting.
        In the case of error with a multiple or sequential maintenance, theindicators of the unchanged commitment item set in the selection listare retained after executing the respective functions.