Programme SAP RFFMSEURO_ANA - Euro Conversion Clearing Program for Actuals Documents in FM

Reconciliation Program for Euro Conversion of Actuals Documents in FM

This program reconciles rounding errors that occurred in actual data inFunds Management (FM) as a result of euro conversion. If errors occur,the program corrects expenditure postings (and payment postings too, ifnecessary) between the Funds Management and FinancialAccounting components and posts the correction amounts to a specialdummy FM account assignment.
You can also use this program when preparing for local currencyconversion as the Prepare Actual DataReconciliation IMG activity. In this activity, you can use thisprogram only in the test run and, therefore, no correction postings aremade.

During euro conversion, the program is run automatically in theRECON-Phase as RFFMSEURO_RECON and posts corrections made torounding differences.
After euro conversion and as part of post processing operations, runprogram RFFMRC04 to Reconcile Line Itemsand Totals Records.

You created a dummy FM account assignment for the correction postingsand made the necessary settings in theDefine Settings for Reconciliation of FIDocuments IMG activity.

The program corrects the amounts in table FMIFIIT. Forperformance and economic reasons, only those documents that have lineitems for the current fiscal year are reconciled. No other documentsare taken into consideration.
Basically, expenditures are reconciled against FI (as far as possible).If you are using update profile 000400 or active paymentreconciliation in your FM area, the payment records are also reconciledagainst FI.
Correction Records
If the program finds errors in the expenditures or during paymentreconciliation, correction records are created. These can viewed intransaction FMPA (for payment reconciliation records) andtransaction FMRC (for expenditure reconciliation records). Allrecords are recorded statistically in the dummy FM account assignmentyou specify. This dummy FM account assignment must not be partof your operational budget!

  • The correction records for expenditure reconciliation are recorded in
  • the current fiscal year and cannot be carried forward in fiscal yearchange operations.
    • For technical reasons, the correction records for the payment
    • reconciliation are recorded in the posting date of the payment and notin the previous fiscal years (This should not cause problems because ofthe dummy account assignment and should not affect your budget).
      This program may not reconcile all rounding errors that result fromeuro conversion. This particularly applies for documents from old(closed) fiscal years and for the type of payment selection:
      Here are a few examples that are not reconciled by the program:
      Example 1: Rounding error during fiscal year change operations
      BTART,,WRTTP,,GJAHR,,USD,,EURO,,Paymt ref.,,Inv. ref.,,
      The example above shows that, in fiscal year 1999, this invoice has anamount of 51.13 euro after euro conversion and is then reduced by 25.56euro and the same amount is carried forward to the next year. Thismeans that in 1999 the invoice is reduced by 51,12 instead of 51,13euro and an open amount of one cent remains. This type of roundingdifference is not corrected as it occurs in a closed fiscal year and istherefore not relevant.
      Example 2: Rounding error in payment reconciliation
      If you are using the payment selection of the original function (seealso: Note 360667), you also have rounding differences inpayments. Though this does not have a negative effect as these paymentselections do not support payment reconciliation, instead they expressopen invoice amounts.
      When invoices are already closed, this problem does not occur and wheninvoices are open, the problem is corrected with the next payment (withthe closing payment at the latest).
      If you are using payment selection with enhanced functions, roundingerrors may occur during conversion that the system cannot solve, forexample:
      An invoice of 100 USD has one vendor and two expenditure lines. Theinvoice was posted in USD and then converted into euros. Then, apayment of 51.13 euro is made:
      BTART,,WRTTP,,GJAHR,,USD,,EURO,,Paymt ref.,,Inv. ref.,,
      This example shows that S200 converted the amount of the paymentcorrectly. Payment reconciliation and day-end closing are correct. Thepayment status (PAYFLG) is set and the invoice is consequentlynot carried forward as part of fiscal year change operations.
      After rounding, the total of the expenditures is only 51.12 euro,however it has been reduced by 51.13 euro. Though this has no effect onthe assigned values, as the 200 and 250 records are balanced. In thiscase, the fact that either the payment reconciliation is correct or theexpenditure is reduced to zero applies. Mathematically, both cannotapply together.

      The settings you made in the preparations you made in the DefineSettings for Reconciling FI Documents IMG activity are copied forthe automatic call in the RECON-Phase.
      For test purposes, we recommend you restrict your selection to singleFI documents in the Document Selection screen area and theCompany Code, Fiscal Year and Document Numberfields in order to check correction postings made by this program.

      We recommend that you restrict the list display to show errors bysetting the Only display errors indicator.

      Enter your FM area and the current fiscal year (fiscal year for FMdocuments that have not been converted).
      Run the program.

396124Prerequisites for the euro changeover in FI-FM
387504Euro conversion