Programme SAP RFFMSC01 - Generate Cover Pools from Rules

You can automatically generate cover pools from an FM area and fiscalyear using this program.
The automatic generation of cover pools is based on rules which you haveto create first. In the rules, you define whichFM account assignmentsshould be combined for a cover pool and are then eligible for reciprocalcover in the payment budget.
You use this program if you do not want to create the cover poolsmanually and do not require cover pools for the commitment budget.

Note that the program deletes all manually or automatically createdexpenditure cover pools in the update run according to the FM area andfiscal year entered before it creates the cover pools.
You have to reconstruct the assigned values after each program run inupdate run (program BPINDX03). The cover eligibility relationships areonly included in availability control after you have done this.


  • A budget memo with budget memo type 11 (automatic cover pool) must be
  • created in Customizing of Funds Management.
    Use IMG activity "Create Budget Memos" tocreate budget memos.
    • The budget objects in the
    • budget structure must beselected individually. No generic entries may exist for the budgetobjects.
      • The cover pool rules must be created.

      • To create the rules, select Public Sector Management -> FundsManagement -> Master Data -> Control -> Cover Eligibility -> AutomaticGeneration of Cover Pools -> Edit Rules.

        The program only includes expenditure FM account assignments that aredefined as budget objects with in a budget structure. FM accountassignments in which negative budget values can be entered are notincluded.
        The program combines the FM account assignments in cover pools accordingto the cover pool rules. It is possible that one rule creates severalcover pools.
        If the indicator Do Not Add to Cover Pool isset for a rule, a cover pool must contain more than one FM accountassignment, otherwise no cover pool is created.
        If this indicator is not set for a rule, no cover pool is created.
        As you can create a number of cover pool rules. The sequence of therules
        is important because an FM account assignment can only belong to onecover pool. Once an FM account assignment is assigned to a cover poolduring sequential processing, it is not taken into account by the nextrule. Exception: A rule only generates a cover pool with a FM accountassignment. This individual FM account assignment is then included in acover pool if it adheres to one of the following rules.
        Cross-fund cover pool are not supported within reciprocal covereligibility. A cover pool can therefore only have one fund accountassignment.
        The program issues a log with two lists:

        • List of rules for automatic generation of cover pools

        • The program issues a message if it cannot create a cover pool from arule.
          If the program cannot determine a suitable account assignment for therule, it issues the message No Cover Pool: No Suitable AccountAssignment.
          If the program can only find one suitable account assignment, it issuesthe message No Cover Pool: Minimum Number of Account Assignments NotReached.
          If the indicator Do Not Add to Cover Pool is set, the messageCover Pool Not Created is issued.
          • FM account assignments assigned to cover pools generated

          • The cover pool number displayed consists of a combination of the numberof the rule from which the cover pool was generated and ascendinginternal numbering.
            The description of the cover pool is derived from the rule, though theplace holder + (plus) is no longer taken into account.


            The account assignments are:
            A, B, AA, AB, AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB
            If you create the following rules, the account assignments are combinedin cover pools DK-1 and DK-2.
            Rule ,, DK-1,, DK-2
            The cover pools created here only contain account assignments to makethe example clear. This is not the case when the program is executed inthe update run.