Programme SAP RFFMRP_MRP_PR - Updating PR's Generated from MRP into FM

Reconstruct the purchase requisitions (PRs) generated from an MRP run.This includes the PRs that are directly created from an MRP run, as wellas those converted from the planned orders and that are not updated toFM and other settlement receivers.
The PRs generated from the MRP run are considered as planning documentsand do not have any impact on the budget. To encumber these PRs in thecorresponding settlement receivers, you have to execute this program forthe relevant PRs.
This report derives the suitable account assignments as follows:

  • Depending on the derivation rules maintained in the system

  • As per the warehouse funds center settings

  • From the corresponding project or sales order, if this is project stock
  • or sales order stock
    After the appropriate account assignments have been derived, the PRs areupdated to the corresponding settlement receivers, such as FM or CO.After the program is executed, the reconstructed PRs are updated,meaning that they are taken out of the MRP run. If you want to deletethe PR, you can do so from ME52N, but cannot do so from the MRPtransactions.

    You should maintain the derivation rules or warehouse funds centersettings, or the project and sales order account assignments, so thatthe program can find at least one account assignment combination. If theprogram does not find a valid account assignment combination for any PR,the PR is placed in the log and not updated to the correspondingreceivers.

    The following selection criteria are provided:

    • Company code

    • The company code whose MRP PRs you want to reconstruct. This is amandatory field.
      • Test run

      • If you select this checkbox, the program is executed in test mode andthere are no updates. You can see the possible account assignments orbudget errors in the log.
        • Requisition date

        • This is a mandatory field.
          • Purchase requisition

          • The range of PR numbers
            • MRP controller

            • Material group

            • Material number

            • Plant

            • If you do not make any entry in this field, the program is executed forall plants under the selected company code.
              • Skip initial screen

              • If you select this check box, all the PR's according to the selectioncriteria are updated to FM, CO etc.
                If the check box is not selected, than an initial screen with the PR'sselected is displayed and then you can select the PR's that you want toupdate to FM,CO etc.
                If you execute the program in background, this check box does not haveany effect. All the PR's according to the selection criteria are updatedto FM,CO etc.

                If you execute the program online, the log is displayed with the erroror success messages. If you execute the program in the background, youcan find the log in the spool request.