Programme SAP RFFMRPFI_PAY - Payment Transfer from Financial Accounting

Payment Transfer from Financial Accounting

You can use this program to reconstructaccounting documents inFunds Management (FM).
You can use the program to correct existing data in Funds Management.

You have to rebuild the assigned values after reconstruction. You can dothis in the application menu of Funds Management under Budgeting ->Tools -> Reconstruct Assigned.
Rebuilding the assigned values ensures that availability control canidentify an assignment that is too high in your funds center andcommitment item hierarchy in the actual data in FM.

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

  • The documents to be reconstructed must have an FM account assignment.

  • You can supplement missing FM account assignments. For more informationon this, see Supplementary Account Assignments
    • Document splitting of Financial Accounting has to divide the documents
    • to be reconstructed into the document split characteristics KNBELNR andVOBELNR
      • The invoices belonging to the payments are in FM.

      • You have saved the data for security reasons.

      • You ensured that no documents can be entered during reconstruction.

      • You can manually set the program to use parallel processing (bysplitting a document number interval, for example).


        You can control the sequence of the program in the following way:
        You can define that documents in Funds Management should not bereconstructed or that they should be deleted before reconstruction:

        • If documents are reconstructed and existing actual data in FM should be
        • deleted, choose Delete Old Data.
          • If period-based encumbrance tracking is activated, existing documents
          • are not deleted before reconstruction; they amounts are corrected duringreconstruction.
            If the program should delete these documents before reconstruction, youalso have to set the deletion indicator Ignore PBET.

            If large volumes of data are reconstruction, performance can beaffected.
            You should always carry out reconstructionin the background.


            • Implementation of Funds Management

            • Enter the company code, an interval for the document numbers and afiscal year and start the program in an update run.
              • Correcting Existing Data in Funds Management

              • Follow the steps described under implementation of Funds Management, Inaddition, you have to set one of the two deletion indicators. Theindicator you set depends on whether the data to be reconstructed havegone through a fiscal year change or not.