Programme SAP RFFMRP34 - Copy Purchase Requisition Documents

Reconstructing Purchase Requisitions for Funds Management
Program RFFMRP34 reconstructs purchase requisitions. You can decidewhether the program tests if the document already exists in FM andtherefore does not reconstruct , or whether a document, if it exists,is deleted before you start reconstructing.
You cannot reconstruct documents that are already selected for thecommitment carryforward to the new year, or that have already beencarried forward to the new year. This is because all information onyear-end operations goes missing during reconstruction.
If you still want to reconstruct such documents, you first have toreverse the carryforward to the new year for these documents usingprogram RFFMCCFR and then delete the documents usingprogram RFFMDLOI. Then you can reconstruct thedocuments.
Note that you must execute the commitment carryforward for thesedocuments again.


  • You have backed up your data.

  • You have ensured that no purchase requisitions are posted during
  • reconstruction.
    After posting, you must reconstruct the assigned values.
    To do this, choose Budgeting -> Tools -> Reconst.Assgd Vals inthe Funds Management menu.
    This ensures that availability control can, in keeping with thecommitment data in Funds Management, identify excessive fundsassignments in your funds center and commitment item hierarchies.


    • List of purchase requisitions not to be processed

    • Statistical evaluations

989274FMIOI entry incorrect w.due date change after CF & RevCF
701936Incompl reversl of fisc year change w/ recnstrctn or deletn
210398Commitments in FM (FMIOI) are not rebuilt correctly
452259Improvement of rebuilt FM programs
603292Improvement of Funds Management reconciliation programs
436701Transaction FMN3 (RFFMRP34) selects too many documents
443060Incorrect rebuilt of FM commitments
374191PO commitment in FM has incorrect original amount
311080Purch. Requisitions in FM are not rebuilt correctly