Programme SAP RFFMRP15P - Project Cash Management: Reconstruct Actual Data for Indiv. FI Docs

You can use this program to reconstruct the actual data for individualFI documents in Project Cash Management.

This program is an important tool to help the SAP hotline analyzeupdate errors in debugging. If a program correction or document changeensures that the errors will no longer occur, the program is used tomake subsequent document postings to Project Cash Management.

The company code and fiscal year for the documents to be posted arerequired entries.
You must also restrict the document numbers used.
The program has a hidden switch, "P_FMLOG", which selects documents perthe FMLOG. If this switch is activated, all documents with entries inFMLOG in the specified company code and year are selected - that is,the program ignores any restriction you enter.