Programme SAP RFFMRC07 - Payment Matching at Document Level

This program compares the account movements in the bank and bankclearing accounts of financial accounting with the data in FundsManagement and vice versa. The result is displayed at line item level.
If you schedule the program every night as a batch job, you should setthe indicator today's entry date. This improves systemperformance.
Besides this, you can improve performance and the overview of theevaluation by only displaying the errors.
If you start the program in the update run, the results are stored inthe worklist which you can analyze and process with the programResult List of Payment Matching
If you do not select Log, the results are not issued on screen.

Note that you can only start the program if you have activated paymentmatching in Customizing of Funds Management Government. Youactivate the settings for payment matching in the IMG activityDefine Settings for Payment Transfer.

You receive a list which displays the following data per matched day:

  • Cleared documents

  • FM documents without FI documents

  • FI documents without FM documents

  • Documents with amount differences

  • If you establish that the errors displayed can be explained when you areanalyzing the data, you can hide these lines by selecting the line andchoosing Hide Line in Display. You can display them again bychoosing Display All Lines.
    You can also delete lines from the worklist by selecting the lines andchoosing Delete Lines from Table FMRC07.
    Note that not all payment documents that were not updated in FundsManagement or with amounts different to Financial Accounting should beclassed as incorrect at first glance. For example, if a payment documentis reversed in FI, it is possible that neither the original payment, norits reversal document appears in Funds Management. Such documents arealways checked within your clearing bundle so that these documents donot have to be classified as incorrect unnecessarily. This check isdocumented in the output of the text Free of Errors (possiblyincluded in the document bundle).

400924Recommendations and rules for the payment transfer in FM
737370Message FI 176 for payment matching
890076RFFM_SET_ENTRY_DATE does not process any data
775127Documentation for payment matching