Programme SAP RFFMRB_HIER_VIEW - Overview of RIB Object Values

This report provides you with an overview of all objects involved in theRIB process (Revenue Increasing the Budget), organized in a hierarchicallist. The relevant amounts are displayed for allRIB objects, that is, fortheir contributors (revenue budget addresses) and for their receivers(expenditure budget addresses).
Posting addresses are only derived and displayed on demand, when youexpand a node for a budget address in the hierarchical output list.

This report is only relevant for the componentBudget Control System (BCS)

The output list is organized as a collection of RIB objects. Each RIBobject can be expanded into its Contributors and Receivers
. The Contributor node contains the revenue budget addresses,while the Receiver node contains the expenditure budget addressesand the surplus budget address, provided it has been defined in thecorresponding RIB rule(transaction FMRBRULE). Each budget address canalso be broken down into its individual posting addresses.
Depending on the type of node, the following values can be displayed:
RIB Objects

  • Revenue budget: the current revenue budget as defined for a RIB
  • object, taken as a reference for the determination of the lower andupper limits defined in the RIB calculation formula (if these aredefined as a percentage of the current reference budget).
    • Posted amount: total revenue amount posted on the RIB object (sum
    • of the amounts available on the revenue budget addresses whichcontribute to this RIB object).
      • Transferred amount: total revenue amount already transferred to
      • the RIB object's receivers through the RIB process.
        • Transferable amount: total revenue amount still available for
        • transfer towards the RIB object's receivers through the RIB process.
          • Revenue shortfall for transfer: this is the revenue amount which
          • is still missing on the RIB object to allow a transfer towards thereceivers, according to the lower limit defined in theRIB calculation formula. Ifan amount greater or equal to this value was posted on the RIB object,then a transfer is possible.
            This value is not defined if no lower limit was specified in theRIB calculation formula.
            Revenue Budget Addresses
            • Budget memo template: name of the budget text template
            • assigned to revenue addresses
              • Revenue budget: current revenue budget defined on the revenue
              • budget addresses contributing to the total revenue budget on thecorresponding RIB object.
                • Posted amount: total revenue amount posted on all the posting
                • addresses contributing to this budget address.
                  Revenue Posting Addresses
                  • Posted amount: revenue amount posted on this posting address.

                  • Expenditure Budget Addresses
                    • Budget memo template: name of the budget text template
                    • assigned to expenditure addresses
                      • Transferred amount: revenue amount already transferred to this
                      • particular receiver through the RIB process.
                        • Transferable amount: revenue amount still available for transfer
                        • towards this particular receiver through the RIB process.
                          Expenditure Posting Addresses
                          No amount available for this type of posting address.

                          Specify the FM area, the fiscal year and the RIB ledger to restrict theselection of RIB objects (mandatory). Note that the RIB ledger selectionis limited to ledgers 9M (payment budget) and 9N (commitment budget).
                          Type of Account Assignments
                          Here you specify whether the values that you entered in the sectionSelection of Account Assignments refer to only RIB objects,budget addresses, or posting addresses. If these values are for anaccount assignment element, then choose the UnrestrictedSelection option (default). If no values are entered in sectionSelection of Account Assignments, your choice will have noeffect, since all options are equivalent to Unrestricted Selection
                          Selection of Account Assignments
                          You can restrict your selection by specifying a range of values orsingle values for each account assignment element. Note that only theaccount assignment elements which are active in the selected FM areawill be displayed.
                          Layout Options
                          Here you choose how the output list is displayed by default. SelectComplete View if you want to expand all nodes (RIB objects,contributors and receivers) into their subcomponents. Select RevenueSide View if you only want to expand the Contributor node ofeach RIB object, or select Expenditure Side View if you only wantto expand the Receiver node of each RIB object.
                          You can also specify a layout variant that you previously defined usingthe layout button in the output screen. This feature allows you todisplay or hide columns as desired.
                          Filtering Options
                          This section enables you to filter out RIB objects according to certaincriteria. Please read the field help (F1) for more information.

                          The output screen contains two sections:
                          Report header
                          The following information is displayed: FM area, fiscal year, RIBledger, layout option (type of view), filtering option.
                          Report list
                          The selected RIB objects are displayed in a hierarchical structure,together with their contributors (revenue budget addresses) and theirreceivers (expenditure budget addresses). Posting addresses are alsodisplayed for each budget address when you expand the corresponding nodein the hierarchy.
                          The values described above (see Features) are displayed incolumns for each account assignment, unless a different layout variantwas selected.

                          Details of a node: You can access the details of any node in thetree by selecting the node and clicking the Display Detailsbutton in the toolbar. Note that the Details window is updateddynamically when you repeat the operation for another node, withoutclosing the window.
                          Full expand: you can select any node in the tree and click onthis button to expand the node fully: all subnodes will be displayed,including possible posting addresses. Note that the Expandfunction for the taskbar of the SAP List Viewer tree will notdisplay posting addresses unless you have already manually expanded thecorresponding budget addresses.
                          Budget memos: Selecting a budget address and clicking theDisplay Budget Memo button allows you to generate the budget memolinked to the selected address, provided this address has a budget memotemplate assigned to it. The result is displayed in a dialog box.
                          RIB rule: Selecting any RIB object in the tree or any of itscontributors (revenue budget address or revenue posting address) andclicking the RIB Rule button in the toolbar displays thecorresponding RIB rule. From there, the calculation formula can also bedisplayed, as defined in the IMG activity
                          Maintain Calculation Formula for RIB.Click on Back (F3) to return to the initial report.
                          Drilldown functionality: Double-clicking on a RIB object, on abudget address or on a posting address displays a list of relateddocuments (budget entry or actuals documents). You can then select adocument in the list and display it. Click on Back (F3) to returnto the initial report. This functionality is also accessible bydouble-clicking on the value itself. Not all kinds of values areconcerned. The values ready for drilldown are:

                          • RIB object, expenditure budget address, surplus budget address: column
                          • Transferred Amount
                            • Revenue budget address: column Revenue Budget

                            • Revenue posting address: column Posted Amount