Programme SAP RFFMRB_GENERATE - Generate Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget

This program generates rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget (RIBrules).


  • You have created budget or posting addresses in the
  • budget structure, or you already have budget orposting data (without a budget structure).
    • You have defined a derivation strategy for
    • generation of RIB rules in FM Customizing.

      The program creates new RIBobjects with all necessary attributes defining validRIB rules. When you run theprogram, the index entries that assign budget addresses to RIB objectsare created using the derivation strategy for RIB objects. The programfurther assigns all attributes which are necessary for a valid RIB rule(for instance, the activation status,filter profile, calculationformula and the receiving budget address) using the derivationstrategy for the generation of RIB rules. The program only adds newentries to the database, it does not modify or delete existing entries.
      Any errors found are displayed in the application log. Objects withouterrors are always saved and the number of saved objects is displayed.


      • Select options for each of the active FM account assignment elements.
      • Here you can also specify a range of FM account assignments to workwith.
        • Source of data: Use the radio buttons to specify whether you want to
        • generate RIB rules using posting addresses or budget addresses. With theindicator Use Budget Structure, you candecide whether you want to use the addresses with existingbudgeting/posting data (=> do not set the indicator), or whether youwant to use the budgeting/posting addresses of the budget structure (=>set the indicator). If you use posting addresses to create RIB objects,the budget structure is used to determine the link between a postingaddress and a budget address. The budget address is then used for thederivation of RIB objects.
          • If you set the indicator Only update index

          • , no RIB rules will be created by the program. In this case, theprogram only creates new index entries that assign budget addresses toexisting RIB objects.

            The list of generated RIB objects is displayed. If you set the indicator
            Only update index then the list ofnewly generated object entries is displayed. An error log is displayedin a separate dialog box if there were errors during the generation ofRIB rules.

            If you have generated RIB rules for FM account assignments, whereapplication data, such as revenues or budget values, already exists,then you must start the program Re-initialize RIBledgers (transaction FMRBREINIT).