Title Prepare temporary waived acceptance request for archivingPurpose This program prepares deferred acceptance requests which were given atemporary waiver, for archiving. Prerequisites Ensure that all items of the temporary waiver which were generated fromthe original acceptance request, are cleared. If this were not thecase, it could, for instance, lead to problems if a temporary waivermust be reversed: For the reversal of a temporary waiver the programchanges the acceptance request, from which the temporary waiver wasgenerated. This can only happen if the acceptance request concernedstill xists in the system and was not archived. Features When preparing for archiving the program first selects all acceptancerequests for which the indicator Reversal cause> is accordinglyfilled in. In the second step the program checks if all documents, which refer tothese deferred acceptance requests, are cleared. If this is the case,the indicator Reversal cause> is changed.,Integration Acceptance requests, which were given a temporary waiver and show this changed "Reversal cause" in the document header can bearchived in the next step with the archiving function of the FIstandard. You will find further information on the archiving functionof the FI standard (program SAPF048) in the Programdocumentation>.Output The program issues a list of all documents for which the reversal causewas changed. if the reversal cause could not be changed for one of theselected requests (if for example a document was blocked forprocessing) then the program does not change any of the selecteddocuments. |