Programme SAP RFFMPENR_ALV - Evaluation of Penalty Interest

This report allows you to evaluate the Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Itdisplays the number of vendor invoices subject to the PPA , the totalamount of these invoices, the number of vendor invoices paid late, thetotal amount for invoices paid late, the total amount paid out ininterest penalties, a listing of the reasons why they were paid late,the total number of the vendor invoices paid early, and the total amountfor invoices paid early.
In addition, it displays all these invoices (in detail and in aggregate)when you click the hotspot of the respective statistic.


Document Selection
When you enter the required criteria, the report shows statistics forall paid vendor invoices and those paid late with penalties.

Further Selection
This block is optional. You need to enter values only if you wantstatistics for documents that were paid early without any discountsbeing taken.
Check the relevant box if you want to view details of invoices paidearly. To use this option, you must also specify the number of daysearly.