Programme SAP RFFMOARULES - FM Object Assignment Derivation Tool - Predefined Rules

This report provides you with a list of predefined rules that you canimport into the FM Derivation Tool. You may obtain detailed informationfor each predefined rule by positioning the cursor on the check box nextto the rule description and pressing F1.

Each predefined step rule that you select in this report can becustomized in more detail using the FM Derivation Tool (transactionFMDERIVE). This means that you still have the option to disable anypredefined rule that you are selecting from this report.

There are no prerequisites for this report. It is advisable to selectall predefined rules and perform any further adjustment when youcustomize the FM Derivation Tool. Note that the step order will alwaysbe reset to match the order shown in this report.

The report automatically reads and displays with a checked mark allpredefined rules that were previously copied into the FM DerivationTool. All other predefined rules will appear with their correspondingcheck-box unmarked. You may run this report again to copy/remove anypredefined rules.

You may select/deselect any rule as well as select/deselect all rules.


This report copies to the FM Derivation Tool all selected predefinedrules and deletes all the others.
