Programme SAP RFFMMP_ROLLUP - Rollup Budget

Rollup Budget

You use this program to automatically aggregate budget data fromseveral lower level FM account assignments and transfer the aggregatedamount to specific higher-level FM account assignments. This functionis called Rollup. The calculation of the budget to be aggregatedis based on key figures. The derivation to atarget FM account assignment is based on a account assignmentderivation.
The program is useful as preparation before carrying forward residualbudget to the next fiscal year using the programCarry Over Residual Budget). You can executethe carryforward on an aggregated FM account assignment level incombination with the rollup of budget.

You have defined a key figure for the calculation of the budget youwant to rollup in the FM Customizing under Budget Control System(BCS) -> BCS-Budgeting -> Define Key Figures
This key figure is only available in this program if it is correctlyflagged for the category Single Budget Type For Consumption.
You have to define an account assignment derivation previous to this.

The program calculates the relevant budget according to the key figureand transfers the budget from sender to receiver account assignmentsaccording to the account assignment derivation. With this budgettransfer, the program creates the corresponding sender and receiverentry document lines.
Document Settings
In the document settings, you have to specify the following generalheader data that will be filled in all budget entry documents createdby the program:

  • You have to specify the document type and
  • document date.
    • On the sender side (process SEND) you can choose
    • different kinds of budget types. On the receiverside budget types are derived (Customizing).
      • Using Additional Data you can add further information such as document
      • header text, responsible person and so on.
        • You have to set a sender period. On the receiver side you have two
        • options:
          You specify a specific receiver period, or
          You distribute to different periods according to thedistribution key you have selected.
          Document Family Number
          The documents created from one program run are grouped by adocument family number and can therefore beeasily retrieved again afterwards. For example, you can use thedocument family number as selection criteria if you want to reverse alldocuments created in one run again using the programReverse Budget Entry Documents.
          Processing Options
          The Grouping settings allow you to specify which sender FMaccounts assignment element combinations should be grouped in onebudget entry document. A new entry document is always created for eachnew fund. In the Grouping settings you can extend the grouping to oneof the other sender FM account assignment elements (for example you canflag the Funds Center in order to get a new document for each newcombination of sender fund and sender funds center. In order to avoidoverflow in the entry document and change document (line items tableFMBDP) number ranges, only one account assignment element can beflagged in addition to the fund.

          Besides the options described above you have to specify the FM area,budget category and fiscal year.
          You can limit the source FM account assignments in question by usingselection options or the multiple selection tool.
          You can either run the program as a test run or an update run.Background processing is also possible.

          The program generates a detail list with the result of the program runif the corresponding option was chosen.
          This list contains the following information:

          • FM account assignment element

          • Process

          • Budget type

          • Total amount of the budget entry document line

          • Indicator specifying the maximum error degree (error, warning,
          • information)
            • Document number - in case the document was not posted (test run or
            • errors), a temporary document number is generated by the program anddisplayed.
              If errors occur, an application log is generated and displayed.