Programme SAP RFFMMP_DOCREVERSE - Reverse Budget Entry Documents

Reverse Budget Entry Documents

You use this program to reverse multiple budget entry documents of theBudget Control System(BCS).
You use this program if you find an error in a processed mass run, suchas

  • Generate Budget Data

  • Carry Over Residual Budget

  • Transfer Budget

  • and now want to reverse all budget entry documents created from thecorresponding program run.
    You can also reverse single budget entry documents.

    The program selects all documents for the specified selection criteriaand creates reversal documents for them.
    For the reversal entry documents created you have to specify thedocument date. You can also enter a document header text or specify along text name. This information will be taken over into all reversaldocuments generated.
    You can either run the program as a test run or update run. Backgroundprocessing is also possible.

    You have to enter a document year and can limit the selectionadditionally by specifying an interval of document numbers or adocument family number.
    You can limit the documents in question by using selection options orthe multiple selection tool via the button Multiple Selection.

    The program generates a detailed list with the results of the programrun, provided the corresponding option was chosen.
    This list contains the following information:

    • Indicator specifying the maximum error degree (error, warning,
    • information)
      • Original document number

      • Original document family number

      • Original document state

      • Reversal document number (if the document was posted correctly)

      • Reversal state

      • If errors occur, an application log is generated and displayed.

932908Mass transactions in simulation mode