Programme SAP RFFMMD_COM_ITEM_FYC - Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year

Copying Commitment Items into the Following Year

This program copies the standard hierarchy of the commitment items(variant 000) of an FM area from the fiscal year entered into thefollowing fiscal year.

If you want to make any structural and grouping changes and have definedthe corresponding settings, the program evaluates the definitions set inthe Define Derivation Strategy for Reassignmentas follows:

  • The sender commitment item provides the attributes for the receiver
  • commitment item.
    This also applies if the receiver commitment item already exists in theold year with different attributes. The new commitment item is createdwith the attributes of the sender commitment item.
    • If several sender commitment items refer to the same receiver commitment
    • item, the receiver commitment item is created with the attributes of asender commitment item selected. The new commitment item is a topcommitment item within the hierarchy. The subordinate commitment itemsof the sender commitment items are below the new commitment items in thehierarchy.

