Programme SAP RFFMKU_MIGRATE_DOCUMENTS - Migration of Documents from Former Budgeting to BCS

This program migrates budget data from Former Budgeting to the BudgetControl System according to the given selection criteria. The migrationis done on the document level. This means that:

  • Budget entry documents and funds center hierarchy documents from Former
  • Budgeting are included in the migration.
    • The corresponding budget entry documents are created in BCS.

    • You use this program if you switch from Former Budgeting to BCS duringthe first year of BCS activation, in order to have data entered in theprevious system (which was entered for the BCS years) available in BCSas well.

      To be able to run the migration report, you must previously carry outthe following Customizing activities for BCS:

      • Activate BCS for your FM area and specify the starting year in
      • Activate Global Functions for Budget ControlSystem (BCS)
        • Activate account assignment elements for BCS in
        • Activate Account Assignment Elements inBudget Control System
          • Create the necessary number ranges for the document family in
          • Define Number Range Interval for DocumentFamily
            • Create the necessary number ranges for budget entry documents in
            • Maintain Number Range Interval for EntryDocuments
              • Create the necessary number ranges for change documents in
              • Maintain Number Range Interval for BudgetChange Documents
                • Activate a budget category for your FM area in
                • Choose Budget Category
                  • Create the BCS version to which you want to migrate your data in
                  • Edit Versions
                    • Define a status in Edit Status. You
                    • must create status settings, since migrated data will be fully checkedduring the migration run.
                      • Assign this status to the version to which you want to migrate your data
                      • using the transaction Assign Status to a Version
                        • If you want to use the derivation tool to derive different document
                        • types in BCS, you should first carry out the IMG activityDefine Derivation Strategy for Header Data

                          • If you want to derive different budget types in BCS, you should first
                          • carry out the IMG activity Define DerivationStrategy for Line Items

                            You run this program for each FM area and version for which you want tomigrate budget data.
                            The system will read all Former Budgeting budget data from the documenttables (BPDK, BPDZ, BPDG, BPDJ, BPDP, and BPBK, BPEP, BPEJ, BPEG)matching the selection criteria and assign or "map" the data to becopied to the BCS budget tables (FMBH, FMBL, FMBDP and FMBDT).

                            Source and Target Settings
                            The data from the source version (Former Budgeting) can be migrated tothe target version (BCS), for overall and/or annual values, and for aselection of funds, as follows:

                            1) Migrate Overall Data
                            Here you migrate the funds for which availability control checks theoverall amount as follows:

                            • Funds with overall and annual values:

                            • Since BCS: checkmark this option if you want only the annualamounts of fiscal years since BCS activation to be migrated.
                              All years: all annual data will be migrated. This is an extendeduse of the document migration which is normally used for BCS years. Foroverall funds, it could be relevant to have access to all BCS documents,regardless of the fiscal year.
                              Note: The overall amount is never migrated to avoid redundancy.
                              • Funds with overall values only: the overall amount is migrated to the
                              • year of BCS activation (Since BCS or All years).

                                2) Migrate Annual Data
                                Here you migrate the funds for which availability control checks theannual amount. For this, make a selection under the section AnnualData
                                Since BCS: all annual values since BCS activation are migrated.
                                Since fiscal year: select a fiscal year prior to BCS activationfor migration. This is an extended use of the document migrationfunction normally used for BCS years.
                                Assignment Rules

                                • Assignment to a period: the annual amount or overall amount can
                                • either be assigned to one default period (recommended) or distributedover all periods according to a distribution key. Period amounts areassigned to the same periods in BCS.
                                  • Assignment to a budget type: you can specify a default budget
                                  • type for budget data and a default budget type for release data. If youdo so, this value will be used for all migrated data. If you do notspecify a budget type on the screen, you should specify your budgettype(s) via .Define Derivation Strategy forLine Items
                                    • Assignment to a document type: you can specify a default document
                                    • type for budget documents and a default document type for releasedocuments (that is, the specific documents created for release data).You have the following options:
                                      If you specify a default document type, it will be used for all migrateddocuments, without accessing the document type in Former Budgeting.
                                      If you do not specify a default document type, you should specify yourdocument type(s) in Define DerivationStrategy for Header Data.
                                      • Assignment to FM account assignments - For budget documents, you can
                                      • specify the following:
                                        a default grant and funded program as they are new FMAAs in BCS
                                        a default functional area if this FMAA was not activated in FormerBudgeting
                                        a default fund replacing fund "BLANK", if you need this FMAA to bemandatory in BCS
                                        Migration Options
                                        • Delta Migration: Only documents which have not yet been
                                        • migrated will be processed. Documents which have been migrated partiallyin a previous run will now be completely migrated according to theselection criteria.
                                          • Full Migration: All BCS documents corresponding to the selected
                                          • FB documents will be deleted before the migration. Note that this is notpossible if one of these documents has been reversed in BCS.
                                            • Exclude Original/Reversal: Original documents and reversal
                                            • documents are always processed in the same run. They have no effect onthe total budget. Therefore, you can ignore these documents duringmigration.
                                              Note: Undone reversal documents are never migrated, as theoriginal document is no longer recognized as a reversed document.
                                              • Exclude Undone: Undone documents have no effect on the total
                                              • budget. Therefore, you can ignore them during migration.
                                                Processing Options
                                                You can run the program either as a test run or as an update run. Fortest purposes, you can also run the migration for one specific document.
                                                Background processing is also possible.

                                                The program generates a detailed list with the results of the programrun if this option was chosen. This list contains the followinginformation:

                                                • FM account assignment element

                                                • Value type

                                                • Budget category

                                                • Process

                                                • Budget type

                                                • Total amount of the budget

                                                • If errors occur, an application log is generated and displayed.