Programme SAP RFFMKU_DEL_DATA - Delete Budget Data

Delete entries in the database tables used by BCS (budgeting andavailability control).

You use this program to delete budgeting data and availability controldata of the Budget ControlSystem (BCS).

The following checks will be carried out before budget data is deleted:

  • In active versions, the deletion of budget data is not allowed. However,
  • deletion continues for the other versions selected.
    • The deletion of carryover documents is only allowed if:

    • these documents are balanced by a reversal document
      both fiscal years concerned in the carry over are selected for deletion.
      • If you do not select both fiscal years in the interval of fiscal years,
      • deletion is stopped. Then deletion is only possible if you first reversethese documents.
        • If budget data has been created by an external application and not in
        • BCS (such as Grants Management
          , then deletion is not possible and the program stops. The only wayto delete these documents is to reverse them (by reversing the originaldocument).
          • If for some entry documents there are more budget types than those
          • selected, deletion will stop.
            • The deletion of AVC data is not allowed if the corresponding control
            • ledger is active.
              • If you delete only the data with a value type corresponding to the
              • release, and at least one budget entry document contains both budget andrelease data, deletion will stop.
                You run this program for one selected FM area, a range of budgetcategories and versions, an interval of fiscal years, a combination ofprocesses and budget types, and a selection of value types (budget andrelease data, or only release data).
                If you have chosen several versions and one of these versions is active,no deletion will be triggered for this version, but the program will notstop for the other versions.
                The program supports the deletion of the following database tableentries:
                • FMBH,,Header of an entry document

                • FMBL ,,Lines of an entry document

                • FMBDP,,Lines items of budgeting data

                • FMBDT,,Totals of budgeting data

                • FMAVCT,,Summary table of the availability control

                • You can either run the program as a test run or an update run. In thetest run, you can first check the deletion of data in the database.

                  The output list is divided into two parts:

                  • Header information

                  • A header where general information is displayed.
                    On the left side: the selection criteria chosen by the user.
                    On the right side: the result of deletion in the database tables and thenumber of messages.
                    • SAP List Viewer

                    • Here, detailed information is displayed, such as "The error log containserror messages".
                      There is also an application toolbar containing functions such as thedisplay of the application log or the pushbutton "Display error log".