Programme SAP RFFMKT50 - Flag FM Account Assignment as Eligible for Cover

This programm marks all FM account assignments in an FM area and fiscalyear that are assigned to the selected cover pool and have budgeteligible for cover available.
If you post to an FM account assignment which is assigned to a coverpool and does not have sufficient budget available, the generalavailability control just checks the marked FM account assignments. Indoing so, the indicator improves the performance during posting.
The indicator is not changed as long as the program is not restarted.
Program parameters
FM area
Fiscal year
Cover pool
If you do not enter a cover pool, the program will check all FM accountassignments that are assigned to any cover pool.
Notes on performance
This program should be run in the background.
SAP recommends that you run this program every night. You should, inany case, run it when budget updating was performed. In addition, youshould run the program when you determine that the posting procedurerequires more time.
