Programme SAP RFFMKT12 - Copy rules for revenues increasing the budget

Program RFFMKT12 copies the existing rules for revenues increasing thebudget in one FM area and fiscal year to another FM area and/or toanother fiscal year.
Due to performance reasons, the program should always be executed inthe background.
Program parameters
From FM area
To FM area
From fiscal year
To fiscal year
Test run


  • Note that no rules for revenues increasing the budget may exist in the
  • target FM area and target fiscal year.
    You should therefore first execute program RFFMKT12 in a test runbecause you only execute the update run once.
    • Master data maintenance for the target FM area and the target fiscal
    • year must be completed.
      If you are using Funds Management for Germany and working withcollective budget administration, the rules for collective budgetadministration must be copied using RFFMKT14 beforeyou start the program. Furthermore, you must also first have generatedthe budget objects for collective budget administration using programRFFMSN81.

      The Program generates a list of all inconsistencies that occur. Thelist has the following column headers:

      • FMA (FM area)

      • Year (in which control data should be created)

      • Funds center

      • Fund

      • Commitment item

      • Error message

      • Commitment item does not exist
        Fund center does not exist
        Fund does not exist
        Funds management account assignment is not a budget object