Programme SAP RFFMKG01 - Create Posting Documents from Standing Request

This program generates posting documents on the basis of thespecifications stored in the standing request document. A postingdocoument is either an acceptance or payment request and the FIdocument(s) belonging to the request.

The program generates one request posting document per standingrequest in a run. The program incorporates the following furtherfeatures:

  • Selection of the standing requests, for which the posting documents are
  • to be created.
    The program selects the standing orders, for which the date for thenext execution either matches the execution date specified by you, oris in the execution period entered by you. Standing requests which areearmarked for deletion, are not considered.
    • Earmarking the standing requests for deletion

    • The program automatically sets the deletion indicataor if the nextexecution date determined by the program is later than the date for thelast execution, which you have entered in the standing request documentfor the standing request data. With an individual execution plan,standing requests are earmarked for deletion if no execution date canbe determined, which is later than the current execution date.


      The program generates posting documents on the basis of the standardvalues in the standing request document. Beyond this, the followingapplies:

      • The number of the standing request document is stored and displayed in
      • the document header of the posting document created.
        • Posting and document date of the posting documents created are set from
        • the current execution date.
          • The posting period is derived from the posting date.

          • Postings with payment conditions receive the base date for the due date
          • calculation on the basis of the payment condition. Without a paymentcondition, the document date is used.
            • For foreign currency postings, the local currency amounts are converted
            • with the conversion rate that is valid on the settlement deadline.
              The number of standing request executions is automatically counted upwhen posting.
              After the program has been executed, a list of the posted documents isissued.